3- Beginnings

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AU: Long time no write! Welcome back mua. This is how I personally imagine them meeting, with some Phan spilled on itWHOOPS

"Mom, I'll be ok," Dan said, giving his mom a hug before he got on the plane. "I know, it's just, I've never met this AmazingDil guy before, for all I know he could be a murderer or something," Dan's mom said, not letting go of the hug. Dan pushed away. "He's not a murderer, and his name is Phil, not Dil," Dan said. "Dil, Phil, same thing, really. Are you sure you've got everything? Clothes? Underwear? Money? Paja-" Dan zoned out. He was thinking about meeting his idol, Phil, in a matter of hours. His raven colored hair, striking blue eyes, huggable- "Dan! Honey! You're boarding!" Dan's mom snapped him out of his trance. "Huh? Oh. See ya, mom," Dan said, giving his mom a quick side hug and quickly turning away. "Stay safe, honey! Call me everyday!" Dan's mom called to him. "Yeah, yeah, mom, whatever," Dan said, pushing his fringe out of his eyes.

Dan looked out the window at the passing cities beneath him. "We will be landing in 5 minutes, thank you for flying with us, and welcome to Manchester!" Dan ignored the overhead message and quickly packed up his stuff. He wanted to be able to get off the plane as soon as possible to meet Phil.

(Now I know this next part isn't accurate but I spilled a little Phan on it)

Dan was the first off the plane, even though he was seated all the way in the back. Luckily for him, the baggage claim was right near his gate, so he grabbed his suitcase within 2 minutes of being off the plane. He ran to the food court, where he was told to meet Phil, and scanned the crowd. Hundreds of people were getting on with their business, but Dan was looking for only one person. One, single person.

Everything blurred in Dan's vision other than the body of Phil. He was taking a picture with a fan, but Dan didn't even see the fan who was right next to Phil. "Phil!" Dan screamed, frantically waving his arms in the air. Phil looked up and saw Dan, and his face lit up. Phil excused himself from the fan and ran to Dan. Dan wrapped his arms around Phil, before quickly letting go, realizing how gay it looked in public. Dan's fringe was almost completely covering his left eye, but he didn't care. "Hey," Dan said trying to play it off as no big deal. "Hey. Chicken nugget?" Phil asked, pulling out a box of chicken nuggets from nowhere in particular.


"The view up here is spectacular," Dan said, looking out at the city below him. He and Phil were on a Ferris wheel. "Yeah, it is," Phil responded. Dan looked over at Phil. Dan had never seen him like this, instead of happy, hw was more than that. Awestruck. Amazed. Dan looked at Phil looking down at the city below them, the night lights reflecting on Phil's eyes. Phil smiled a smile Dan had never seen Phil do before. It wasn't a happy smile, nor was it out of pity. It was a smile that you do when you see somthing really beautiful and you can't help but smile-

innocence censor again but just kiss*

Dan didn't even notice Phil lean in. It was just a sudden warmth exploded inside him. Dan refocused to see Phil's lips against his. Phil was gentle, just a sweet caress. Dan didn't even feel startled. He knew it felt right. Dan put his arms around Phil's neck, and Phil pulled him closer by his waist. Their bodies collided, warmth bouncing between them. Phil stopped, escaping for a breath. They stared into each other's eyes, and a smile crept onto their faces. Not a smile of happiness or pity.

It was a smile you smile when you see someone really beautiful.

[BTW this has 666 words ;)]

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