WeVideo Causes Delays T_T

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But it's the only free way for me to be able to put the video together for the 12th day of the Twelve Days of Christmas: Ellie Style!

If you don't know about using the free trial of WeVideo, you get 5 minutes of export time.

And I've used up the five minutes on about 3/4 of the video.

So, that's a problem.

Buuuuuut don't worry my friends, I found a solution!

Apparently, the export minutes reset on January 1st! YAY!

But that means there going to be a 4 day delay for day 12...

Me: WeVideo, why do you have to be such a b-

Paper: *randomly appears* ELLIE THERE ARE CHILDREN HERE!!!

Me: I was going to say bologna-faced idiot... O_o

Paper: Oh... Um... Never mind then...! ^_^'

Anywho, so, sorry for the delay guys. I'll try to fill in the extra four days with stuff! :)

Unless you want an uncompleted video... Missing some of the voice acting... Yeah you don't want that lol.

Anyways, BAI!!! XD

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