Wattpad tag #5

22 5 13

I was tagged by bejeweledMe

Here's 10 facts about me!!

1. I feel really bad whenever I see a really underrated band so I get into them and get rlly obsessed.

2. I'm the fourth youngest person in my class but one of the tallest, I'm around 170 cm and 5'7

3. I'm a lactoseyntolarent and get rlly weird spots when I have dairy products.

4. Everyone has different nicknames for me, like mom, boo, Kaya, Bommy, Parky, princess,Thomas, ding dong, baba twin number 2 and number three. Call me whatever you want haha.

5. I was born in Essex, but after my parents divorce when I was three I moved to Scotland.

6. I'm lazy af but I like running and wanna start martial arts. (NOT material stfu)

7. I've got enough friends (irl) so whenever someone approaches me I'll ignore them.

8. I slouch and my shoulders are really weak. My mum says she's gonna put me in a modelling school if I don't get a good posture soon. ;-;

9. I used to go to a private school but since we had to travel quite far everyday we were given the choice to move house or move school, and we moved school instead.

10. I cry every morning and night for some reason....

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