Chapter 20

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I woke up on the bed naked no , no,no this wasn't suppose to happen I gave in last night , that made me look weak , but his aggressive side turned me on. I got up and then August came out of the bathroom I avoided making eye contact with him. I walked inside the bathroom without looking at him. I undressed and locked the bathroom door and took my shower.


For some reason little momma been avoiding me , not making eye- contact she hasn't been talking. I do care about her and the reason why I lied about having those extra days on tour was because I was handling some trap business in NOLA , and I knew she would probably freak out , and I want to keep it a serect.

That girl that was on my instagram was my baby momma Katrina , shit shawty bad but she not bader then India . I don't want India to find out about anything now , even though she's gonna find out some day. Any way I needa go holla at my boy Chris.


Jale: Good morning
India: Good morning
Jalen: what are you doing today
India: Nothing why *feeding her puppy
Jalen: I wanted to see did you want to go do something

India: Jalen  I am still with August
Jalen: Okay but as friends * w\ attitude
India: okay boi
Jalen: I'mma come and pick you up
India: Okay *smiles while hanging up

I parked my car by India's car August looked at me and shocked look on his head I had this big ass smirk on my face. He walked inside the house and India came out looking beautiful as ever. She smiled and hugged me ."You look beautiful "I said smiling. "All I have on is jeans with a pink tank top"she said looking confused.

"You do look beautiful in anything I said
"but you would look way beautiful in my T-shirt "I said making her blush. She looked at me and smirked and she mumbled something under her breath and walked to the car.

I opened the car door for her and she got in and she grabbed the seat beat ."Hold up let me get that for you ma "I said putting her seat beat on for her she smiled. I closed the door and jogged on the other side . I started the car up and we went to have dinner. 

I parked my car and helped her out and we walked inside. She grabbed my hand and we walked inside together. she kept saying thank you and she couldn't stop smiling. (skipping to them at there table)

She decided that she wanted to sit next to me in the booth. I smiled she was so damn beautiful , I think I found my Beyonce. She started laughing as we started eating. "Whats wrong "I laughed she smiled and she wiped the sauce off of my face. She looked into my eyes and smiled .

"Do you know your beautiful "I said she looked at me and smiled. "I mean seriously your drop dead beautiful" I said smiling "Thank you" she said smiling.
"You ready to go "I said smiling "Yea"she said smiling. After arguing over who going to pay , I paid because wanted she wanted to , and I didn't want her too pay.

"With me you don't pay for anything"He said smiling "Mhmm"she said as we got into the car while she pouted .She wasn't gonna win this fight , well not today or she will probably ever would win this fight.  

We arrived at her house "Omg I jusy wanted to say thank you for this amazing night , and thank you for being here for me when I needed you the most , I love you so much Jalen "she said as tear streamed down her face."Stop crying before you mess up your beautiful face up , and I love you too" I said grabbing her chin and kissing her , she finally kissed back.

I wiped her tears away "I am going to be the one to wipe all your tears and sorrows away and make it a brand new day "I said smiling (made up ) she smiled and kissed me one more time and smirked and got out and closed the door. I walked inside the house and Trey drove off I walked inside smiling.

August was sitting on the couch watching TV I can't keep coming home , and acting like Augustt is going to change because he's not trying and all he is doing is hurting me , and lying to me , it's not that I don't love him , because I do it's just I don't want to be in a relationship with him and I am putting in work and he isn't .

I walked up to him and cut the TV off. He looked at me and I smiled all his attention was on me for the first time in forever. "We need to talk"I said looking deep into his eyes."Yea we do "he said looking down.

"I think it's time we see other people , I do love you , I just think that were falling apart and I think we need time from each other , you have sex with whoever you want and you don't have to worry about other chicks "I said smiling he looked shocked he put his hands over his face.

I walked upstairs and undressed and got ready for bed .I feel so much better now that I got that off my chest. I feel like now that I can breathe.

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