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    Christmas morning came in a blink of an eye, and Taehyung bounced up and down on the mattress to wake up Taejeon.

   "Wake up, wake up! I want to see what Santa got me!" He squeals in delight. Taejeon groans and reluctantly gets up. Mrs. Kim soon comes in, and the family huddled around the Christmas tree.

   An hour later, all of the presents were opened, and bright smiles were plastered on all of their faces. Taehyung was helping his mom pick up the wrapping paper and trash when Taejeon taps his shoulder.

   "This is my last gift to you." He says, pushing a small black box into Taehyung's hands. With much excitement, Taehyung takes off the top of the box and gasps. It was a key chain, with the keys to a brand new Mercedes Benz.

"Taejeon I--"

   "Don't. This is the least I can do." Taejeon cuts him off, and turns around once again to grab a bag off the back of the couch. "Now go change-- something tells me you have to make things right this Christmas."

   Taehyung takes the bag from his hand and hugs Taejeon tight. He could always count on him-- and for the millionth time, he wished Taejeon was his actual dad. But that was impossible.

   Thanking him once more, Taehyung runs to his room and opens up the bag. It was a black tux with a crimson red tie. There were two pieces of paper in the inside pocket, which turned out to be reservations to some fancy restaurant down town.

  A few minutes later, Taehyung stood in front of his bathroom mirror. The suit was exactly his size, and the red tie gave off a Christmasy feel. Taehyung's hair was slicked up, revealing his face more. He put on some cologne to top it off, and grabs his reservations before going back down stairs.

His mom gave him a kiss on the cheek and Taejeon patted his back as he left out the front door. He stopped for a moment to admire the beautiful white benz in front of him. With one look back at his parents, Taehyung climbed into the drivers seat.

  The engine roared to live and he peeled out of the drive way. A smile forms on his face when he sees a dozen roses in the front passenger seat. Taejeon really out did himself.

His stomach started to do somersaults when he turned onto Jungkook's street. Countless times he had been down this very street-- Jungkook always opening his door with that beautiful smile on his face. But this time, he didn't know if the greeting would be so warm.

  By the time he was on Jungkook's doorstep, his palms were sweating around the base of the bouquet and he felt dizzy. With shaky hands, he rang the door bell.

  The door creaked open slowly, and a pair of brown eyes peaked out. Jungkook sighs in disbelief and attempts to close the door, but Taehyung stops it with his hand.

"Jungkook, please."

  He hesitates, and eventually pulls open the door. His eyes look Taehyung up and down slowly and bites his lip slightly.

"I'm guessing you're not here to take out my mother." Jungkook says, and Taehyung chuckles, running a sweaty palm through his hair.

  "Not exactly." He hands Jungkook the flowers, and the younger takes them with caution. Peering over Taehyung's shoulder, he points to his car.

"Is that yours?"

"Hell yeah, babe."

  Taehyung's eyes widen at his own words and he looks down in shame. "Sorry."

  "Old habits die hard." Jungkook mutters, and gazes down as well. It was silent for a few moments, and then Taehyung got down on one knee. A gasp leaves Jungkook's lips and he stares at Taehyung.

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