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Jungkook laid awake that morning, staring at his ceiling. The ceiling of his foster parent's house, that is. It was somehow foreign to him now. He had spent so many nights staring up at Taehyung's ceiling that it was weird to wake up to a different one.

Taehyung. The name made his heart ache. The break up was still like a fresh wound, and every time his name came to mind, it was like rubbing salt into it. It scared him, the feeling that weighed on his chest. The feeling he refused to admit to Taehyung while they were dating.

He sits up. He had to get these thoughts out of his head. He was the one who lied.

All he really wanted was to be accepted. Honestly, he had come to this town so he could somehow be apart of his biological mom's life. He had no where else to go. But, he was kicked out, over and over again.

Until he met Taehyung.

When he met him, everything clicked. Everything about him was enticing. Every day he felt himself become more and more attached to him. Never in his life had he felt so inclined to be by someone's side twenty-four seven.

In some weird, technical way, they were step-brothers. But it didn't matter to him. For the first time in his life he felt accepted.

The lies couldn't keep building up forever though. Jungkook let his secrets out, and in return he was kicked out again. And he was alone.

Sighing, he gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom. While he brushes his teeth, he tries to think about something other than his ex boyfriend. With no luck, he spits into the sink and washes out his mouth.

The next hour he spent on his phone, scrolling through their old conversations. He suddenly felt like crying, but all of his tears had been shed the night before.

Each heart emoji, each I love you, was like a stab in the chest. He chuckled softly at their stupid fights and their cheesy conversations. How he wished it could go back to the way it was.

Taehyung was the only thing he had in this world. His boxy smile lit up his day. His laugh was contagious, and his way with words and sweet talking made him blush all the time. He would always eat too fast and end up coughing, so Jungkook would have to pat his back and give him his water. He liked Marvel over DC, and Antman was his favorite. He loved cats, mint ice cream, and his fluffy blanket that they would always cuddle in after a long day of work.

He had a tendency to spit a little when he was too excited and ranting, but Jungkook ignored it so he could give him his full attention. They both wanted a boy and girl named Noah and Athena, and have them play together and be the best of friends. Taehyung always wore the ring he got both him and Jungkook around his neck, and always reminded Jungkook to wear his. His favorite cereal was captin crunch, his favorite disney movie was the lion king, and he hates spiders and snakes. Last but not least, he loved Jungkook.

And Jungkook never got to tell him that he loved him back.

"I love him." Jungkook repeats his thoughts out loud. The words sounded bitter sweet, and his eyes widen. "I.. I love Kim Taehyung."

Suddenly, he knew what to do, and ran towards the door. He grabs his jacket and runs out the door, hardly thinking about his actions at all.

It was a short run to Taehyung's house, and Jungkook didn't stop sprinting. The soles of his sneakers slap against the pavement, and he thinks of what he should say to him in his head. There were so many ways he could tell him.

He was breathing hard by the time he arrived at Taehyung's house. A black car was parked in front of their drive way, but Jungkook dismisses it and runs up to the door.

It was unlocked, and Jungkook let himself in. It was quiet, but ruffling sounds could be heard from upstairs. Quickly, he bounds up the stairs. Fixing his hair and jacket, he pushes Taehyung's door open.

"Taehyung?" He calls, but is greeted with an empty room. The window was open, causing the curtains to blow and the letter on the bed to be tossed around. Jungkook picks up the letter and reads it carefully.


I'm leaving for the States to take over my dad's position. I will not be returning. Thank you for all the good times we had, and I forgive you for lying to me. I hope you have a great life and live happily. Goodbye.


Jungkook inhales and stares up at the ceiling. How could he just leave this letter like it was supposed to help? How dare he leave him without talking to him.

He hears a door slam from outside, and he hurries over to the window. Outside he sees a few men in black suits escorting a tall brunette to the black car he saw earlier. It was Taehyung.

"Kim Taehyung, you bastard!" He yells out the window. Taehyung's head jerks up, and stares up at the desperate Jungkook who's body was halfway out the window.

The guards urge him to the car, and with one last lingering gaze, Taehyung turns away. Jungkook breathes heavily and jogs out of his room. Once he makes it down the stairs, he swings open the front door and runs out onto the lawn.

"Taehyung! Taehyung get back here!" He shouts, and grunts when two body guards hold him back. Taehyung looks at him hopelessly before he ducks his head into the car and closes the door.

The engine of the car starts, and Jungkook escapes the body guards grasp. He runs up to the car side and looks at Taehyung through the window.

"Yah, Kim Taehyung!" He cries. "You don't get to leave me like this. You simply just can't!"

Tears begin to fall down his cheeks before he can help it, and Taehyung tries not to look at him. Jungkook bangs his fist on the window in a futile effort to get him to listen.

"I shouldn't have lied to you, I know that now. All I'm asking for is for a chance to start over. I just want to be with you, for a long, long time." Jungkook says, hiccuping. "And I'm sorry for taking this long to say this--"

The engine reeves, and the car starts to pull forward. Jungkook walks next to the car and leans against the window.

"I love you!" He shouts, banging his fist on the window one last time. "I love you, Kim Taehyung! With all my heart, I love you so much!"

Taehyung turns his head and stares at him. His eyes were glassy and he puts his hand on the window.

"I'm sorry." He mouths through the window. Taehyung turns away, and Jungkook lets out a broken sob.

The car speeds up, and Jungkook begins to run.

"Taehyung! Please don't leave me!" He pants, pumping his arms at his sides. "Didn't you hear me?! I said I love you, you idiot!"

The car begins to be out of reach, and Jungkook's lungs begin to collapse. The car turns the corner, and Jungkook falls to his knees in the middle of the road.

"Come back." He whispers, looking at the car in the distance. Realizing he wasn't coming back, he closes his eyes and let's his tears fall silently.

I'll love you forever, Kim Taehyung.

The sound of a blaring horn to the left of him made him open his eyes. Shining headlights blinded him, and he had no chance of moving out of the way.

He looked up at the sky and smiled sadly. The impact was quick, and the lights take over his vision before everything, finally, stopped.

Everything was okay.

the end.

thank you for all of the love and support all of you have shown for this story. I appreciate all of you for putting up with this mess of a story. thank you.

epilogue coming soon, as well as the sequel.


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