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Five beers later, and I have officially drowned most of my sorrows in a long and painful silence. Finally I spoke up to talk to the bartender who was cleaning a tall glass, "So, what's your name?"

"Ally." She choked down the words. "Yours?"

"Y/N." Ally had been stuck on the same glass for the longest time and I'm sure it would've been more than sanitized by now. I could tell she was doing a lot of thinking and decided to speak up about it. "Do you have a lot on your mind or something?"

"How can you tell?" Ally smirked, looking down at the glass in foamy water. She stuck the glass on a strainer and picked up a small shot glass to start cleaning it excessively just like the last few glasses she's cleaned.

"You spend five minutes cleaning each glass before you realize that you have other glasses to clean." Ally got quiet again and I decided I'd rather spend my time talking to this woman rather than sitting in complete awkward silence while I continue to drink. "Hey, you wanna talk about it? If you haven't noticed, I'm a stranger, too. And I'm pretty drunk so I probably won't remember it tomorrow."

I could tell by the look on her face that she was thinking it over, but then she finally nodded decided to speak up in this almost peppy voice. "Fine. I'll tell you."

I took a full swig of the beer and leaned my head against my propped up hand on the bar, "I'm all ears."

"It just that..... I have to go home to my husband tomorrow." Ally said, and the peppy tone in her voice began dissipating.

"And that's bad?"

"He's just, well, he doesn't treat me right." Ally said, putting the glass down to dry her hands off then push her hair back out of place. "But I'm sure he's working on himself because he wants me to come back." She pulled another beer out to sit it in front of me and pop the top off. "I just have to keep hoping that the man I married is still in there somewhere. You know?"

"Do you still love him?"

"Well, of course I do. He's my husband." She smiled, setting up a new pitcher of beer to get it ready to take it over to the bum by the fireplace.

"That doesn't mean you love him."

She smirked, hearing her words fall from my mouth and responded, "Way to use my own words against me."


For a while, I was alone with my thoughts while Ally started to clean up around the bar as a little present for the owner. I couldn't help, but think about all of the good times I have had with Normani, and there was one thought in particular. Ally walked back up the bar and started cleaning off the tray that she used to pick up all the garbage that was left around the room to dump into the trash. I spoke up to her, basically spilling all off the thoughts out of my head without a second thought that they would come out of my mouth with complete honesty. "Do you wanna know what I miss most about my old relationship with Normani?"

"What?" She curiously asked me.

"The sex. God, we used to have the best sex." I basically moaned thinking about it because it was possibly the best sex I could've ever had growing up.

Ally physically tensed up and it was obvious, but she continued to ask. "What happened to the, um, sex?"

"She's busy, I'm busy." I took another swig of my ninth beer of the night. "Plus, I think she already has that covered with another girl."

"But do you have it covered?"

"Do you?" I asked Ally back quickly, hoping it would catch her off guard just a bit.

"I have no trouble in that department." Ally smiled, pulling out a new beer to take the top off and sip on it for herself.

"I'm sure you don't." I was even drunker than I could imagine, but I was still able to hold my bearings. I'd even built up enough courage to blatantly flirt at the gorgeous bartender. My mind was beginning to haze, but I didn't mind. I wanted to flirt with her.

My eyes wandered down her body as I tried to keep from getting caught, but there was no use because Ally's smile said it all. Her brow raised at me, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I think you know why." I told her confidently, putting one leg over the other, still trying to keep a mysterious facade even though I was starting to feel a little more than tipsy. I could see that Ally was beginning to blush, so I decided to continue to use a few little pick up lines that Karla taught me once. "Ally, your eyes are my favorite color. Did you know that?" 


"No, beautiful."

Ally made a loud giggle and cocked her head at me, "You do realize that beautiful isn't a color, right?"

I nodded her off and smirked at her fiendishly, "You know what sucks?"

Ally took a swig of her drink and gasped loudly before replying, "Hm?"

"It sucks that you're married. Because if you were just some girl at this bar, I wouldn't hesitate taking you into that bathroom right about now."

"Who said I would go?"

I raised my brow back at her and smiled, "I'm sure I could find a way to persuade you."

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