Chapter five

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They took a seat on one of the logs assembled around the food table "what scrubs did they dig up for us today then?"

wren noticed Tess on the other side of the dinner table. all sorts of salads and foods were pushed along the table, she looked over at Dylan who was sitting next to her but something was up, he was staring at a blank spot at the middle of the table, looking rather dazed. He turned at her suddenly and his eyes widened. In a split second he stood up and stepped back, nocking his chair over backwards he took one look at the others and ran, into the trees an was soon consumed by wood and leaves.
Wren felt as if she wasn't thinking straight.
she saw a small baguette sitting in a bowl in the middle of the table "what's up with him." Said Tess. she grabbed the bread, received a crowd of blank faces and ran towards the trees "hey! what's going on?" Someone yelled at her, soon she too disappeared into the trees. The trees came hurtling towards her, after about a mile of running she stumbled on a clearing. She slowed down and leaned over to catch her breath. Wincing, she stood up to take a look around. In plain sight, he was stood in the middle of the clearing.

Wren rushed over to him, the grass was lumpy under foot and it was tall as well, waist height. She started moving over to him, he was faced away from her but when he turned around wren had the fright of her life. spots, he was covered in them, they were little triangle shapes all over his body "what happened to you?"she said in concern, he just stood there, shaking. she reached over and grabbed his arm to examine him. "ah!" She shouted and pulled away, he looked at her in annoyance. "the spots!" She said.
"What about them?" He replied in panic. She could she the last few ones vanishing on his neck "What?" Wren could see he shock on his face "Why did that happen to you?"
"I don't even know" he replied.

She looked at him "oh, I brought something." she reached into the pocket of her coat and brought out a small baguette, she broke it in half and handed one half to Dylan "here, I dunno about you but I'm pretty hungry." He nodded at her and took the piece of baguette "thank you, good thing you came, otherwise I think I might've eaten a tree."
"Good thing." they both chuckled. Droplets of water started to sound on the grass. within a few seconds it was pouring. "Come on!" Shouted Dylan.

They ran for the trees at the edge of the clearing. Dylan put his hand up on the tree and came to a holt, so did wren. "So, now what?" Dylan leaned against the tree and slid down until he hit the ground with a thump.
Wren sat on the floor and began mindlessly fiddling with a piece of grass.
"doesn't this bother you the tiniest bit?" Dylan said whilst taking a generous bite of his bread "maybe life is better here. Something really bad has happened to the world, obviously. Judging from the state we woke up in." wren replied.
"true... But it does give me the heebie-jeebies."
"Ha! You think?".Wren could hear the sound of the rain trickling down through the leaves in the trees, with an occasional droplet on the back of her neck. "Do you remember anything from before all this?"
"Kind of."
"Nothing?" She replied. "Well..."
"Well what?" She pushed on. Dylan looked over at wren "you mean, in the garage?" He said.

Click. The garage...  for a split second Images popped up into wrens head, but then Nothing. Just that word, garage. The brief moment of the dancing colours vanished. "That word."was all she could manage "what does this mean?"
"I have no clue." he shrugged, then looked at her "it's actually... It's actually kind of comforting knowing that I'm not the only crazy person here" she gave a sarcastic grin.

"Me too, I just had this tune playing over and over in my head."
he tried to mimic the tune, "along with this Image."
wren was eager to find out what he had to say, this could give some much needed info."
four of us in the garage. I couldn't make out the faces of the people. Except you, I recognised your voice."
whilst wren was watching she didn't notice that her jaw had dropped. "Me-" she was cut of by Dylan "yes you were talking. and there where two others behind us, I think..." He trailed off...
"how the heck do i not know you? That's what I wanna know. I mean if you know me somehow then I should have some sort of remembrance of you, surely."
"Do you remember anyone else."
"I can't really remember much, but now you mention the garage..."
wren stopped.
she whispered, staring at the ground, she looked nervous. "wren?"
She swallowed and looked up at him. "Move towards me slowly."
he knew something was wrong, so he did as she said.
There sat behind Dylan was a disgusting looking cat thing. It had a turned up nose, black horns and gross, grimy brown Stuff under its mouth, it was jet black, and had long hair, but even though it was sitting down it was practically taller than Dylan sitting. Movement from the strange creatures direction turned wrens attention, the creature let out a wail that made wren wince "three."
she knew what Dylan was suggesting they did "two."
wren was scared, this might be it "one"
they both sprung up and sprinted towards the other side  of the clearing...

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