Chapter eight

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Wrens mind was exploding. What's happening? So many people, memories, places. Just that necklace, wren suddenly new everything she needed to know. "Remember?" The boy said, "go fetch." He said as he tossed the Jewelery over her head and into the lake. Wren got up and ran as fast as she could to get the necklace from the  lake, she didn't want to jump in again. So she looked around for the closest tree branch in sight so that she could perhaps fish out the necklace. She spotted one in the corner of her eye, she ran over to grabbed it. She lay down on the edge, the water was about six metres down at this point. She plunged the branch into the water. She could hear Tess in the background "jack, you pile of crap! How could you do that?" Tess was yelling.

Dylan had already got up and started running to help her. Wren looked down, the branch wasn't going to reach to the necklace. Dylan was laying next to her. Tess passed some road, but then came the trauma, she could see people running and huge explosions in her mind. When would the strange visions stop? The necklace had unlocked her past, Tess ran over with some rope with a loop at the bottom. "Here, we'll lower you down." She said, wren stood in the end of the rope. Tess and Dylan lowered her down towards the water. Even though the water was deep, it was clear enough to see the bottom. Wren was passed down a stick by Dylan "be careful, or we'll be running out of dry clothes for you" wren hardly listened to what Tess had said, she was so concentrated on not falling in. She gripped the rope with one hand and with the other she reached down with the branch. There it was! Wren could see the necklace at the bottom of the lake, the water was about two and a half metres deep.

Once again she plunged the stick into the water and hooked the necklace on the end of the wood. She leaned on the other side of the rope to lift the stick and the necklace, she hauled them up with both hands. Dylan took them from her and pulled them onto the bank. Wren looked up at Dylan and Tess, there heads just popped over the edge. "Hold on tight." Said Dylan. Then they pulled her up. Little by little they got her to the top, when her head was just over the edge Dylan grabbed her under the arms and pulled her up, Tess doing as best she could to help her up. "Thanks guys." Said wren. "No problem." Said Dylan, but as soon as wren spotted the necklace she lost all attention to what Dylan had said to her. She scrambled over to the Jewelery and picked it up, she took it off the en of the stick and had a good look at it. It had a main locket in the centre of the feathers, the feathers were small but beautiful, with vibrant colours. She could hear faint sounds of a little girl giggling. The locket was in a circle shape. Delicately, she opened the locket and inside there was a picture, a picture of a a girl with plump cheeks and a big smile, so familiar. Her... Her sister maybe? Yes it was... Cherry... Her sister! Just seven years of age! "No!" Wren screamed more family that I lost! "God damn it!"wren wailed out with tears. She held the necklace to her chest and collapsed back into Dylan and Tess. Dylan wrapped his arms around her shoulders. She felt Tess' soft cold hands on her own hand "she's dead! All of them are dead!" She screamed out again. She knew for certain it was her sister. Tess put her arm around wren and walked her to the tent "wren?"
"Yes?" Wren said with a sense of annoyance in her voice. At this point they were sitting in wrens tent and Tess had closed the opening of the tent "there's a lot you need to know." Wren was so confused, she had been chased by evil cat things, saw Dylan practically turn into a werewolf, hung over a lake just to get her memory back. "You don't say." Wren said sarcastically "well do you wanna know or not?" Tess said in response to wrens sarcastic comment. "Yes please." Said wren.

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