Chapter 11 - Pervert and I Won't Ever Leave Your Side

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~Oliver's POV~

"Ollie?! Ollie, are you okay?!"

I inhaled sharply, abruptly sitting up and knocking my forehead into Len's, which sent us both flinching back.

"Ow...!" Len cursed softly under his breath in pain. "Ollie, what the heck?!"

"Eh...?" I looked around. Nothing had changed. "W-what...?"

"Ollie, what's wrong?" Len looked at me with concern and tilted his head to the side a bit.

"Huh...? It's...." I hesitated slightly, shaking my head. "It's nothing."

Len didn't seem convinced. "C'mon Ollie, tell me." He pouted, sitting with his legs crossed and leaning forward on them like a child.

I laughed at his appearance.

"Hey!" Len grit his teeth in annoyance. "Just tell me already!" He whined.

"Alright, alright." I inhaled a breath and felt my face heat up at the thought of what I was going to have to tell him. I crawled over to him and put a hand next to my mouth to whisper in his ear. "I...had a strange dream...."

"Hah? That's it?" Len huffed. "Man, I thought it was going to be more exciting. About what?"

I flinched, my blush darkening. I sighed, knowing it was no use to fight back now and told him.

"Eh? But that wasn't a dream...?" Len tilted his head again, raising an eyebrow. "Don't you remember? I pinned you down and you passed out...." He let out a soft, humorless chuckle. "And it wasn't very long that you passed out.... Only about ten or so minutes."

"Oh...." I mumbled to myself. Suddenly, my whole face burnt red. "L-L-Len...! W-what t-the heck?!" I shoved him and he fell backwards off the bed and onto his back.

"O-ow...! H-hey! You said it was okay!" Len sat himself upright and crossed his arms, pouting again.

"E-eh? I-I did...?" I tilted my head. "When?"

"After we got off the Ferris wheel I asked you if it was okay. You were hesitant, but said yes. C'mon, Ollie.... I can't hold back for much longer...." Len whined out of need, fidgeting slightly.

"P...Pervert!" I shouted, grabbing the nearest pillow and chucking it at him, toppling him over once more.

"Ack...! Didn't I tell you?! You said it was fine!" Len stood up and I suddenly felt like this situation wasn't going to be good. He moved back onto the bed and held me back against the headboard, giving me the most serious look I've ever seen from him. "Ollie, please." He stared at me intently, and I trembled slightly out of fear.

"N...." I stuttered, my face heating up like a furnace. "N-not...yet...." I murmured, pulling my hat down over my face so Len couldn't see how red I was.

Unfortunately, my answer didn't help his state. "Ollie!" He shouted, narrowing his eyes slightly. Sighing, he pulled away and crossed his arms. "You're mean...." He mumbled under his breath.

"Huh?" I asked. "What?"

"Nothing!" He shouted angrily. I guess he was mad at me for contradicting my answers from now and before.... Well, it's not my fault I don't remember what happened.

I sighed, standing up and heading towards the door. "I'm gonna get something to eat," I said before exiting. I didn't hear Len reply.

Since it was the late afternoon, it was too late for lunch, yet too early for dinner, so I just got myself a banana. I didn't take much time to think about it, but now that I am, don't bananas look like the upward flip of Len's hair? I huffed out a small laugh. I hope I didn't upset Len too much. I don't want to ruin our relationship....

I rummaged around in the refrigerator for something to drink, and ended up deciding on milk. I got myself a glass, poured the milk, and drank it all down quickly. Banana time! I peeled the skin off the banana and took a bite. Delicious! I smiled happily as I finished off the banana as well, throwing the peel away in the trash.

Looking around for something to do, I headed into the living area and turned on the television, flipping through the channels. Bored out of my mind when I found nothing interesting, I went back upstairs. Time to apologize....

I inhaled a deep breath as I entered back into Len's room. He was still on the bed and his forehead was against the headboard.

"L...Len...?" I asked hesitantly.

Len slowly turned his head back to look at me. His emotion clearly showed annoyance. "What?" He spat, making me flinch and have to hold my tears in at how mad he was.

"I...I'm sorry...." I sniffed. His expression just got worse.

"Whatever." He growled, waving a hand at me. "Out," he said, his voice laced with hate.

I couldn't take it. This isn't Len. Tears streamed down my cheek. "L-L-Len!" I shouted, having to sniff in between the stutters. "P-please d-d-don't hate m-me...! I-I l-l-love you too m-much!" I moved my hand up to wipe the tears from my face with my palm.

Len's eyes widened. "Ollie...." He said, all the hate from his voice disappearing and sadness replacing it. "I...I love you too. I'm sorry for overreacting...." He lowered his head in apology and disappointment in himself. "I shouldn't have lashed out at you because of my own desires...." He blushed slightly, turning his head away in embarrassment.

I shook my head, running over to him and throwing my arms around his neck. "I love you Len. Nothing you could ever do would change that." I smiled at him, my eyes red from crying. The tears on my cheek had dried somewhat and made my face shine.

"Ollie," Len said, smiling back at me, "You're adorable." He laughed, pecking my lips.

I blushed. "I am not...." I mumbled, pursing my lips.

"Yes, you are." Len grinned. "I won't ever hurt you again, okay?" He looked at me with concern.

I nodded. "Same here." I pressed my lips against his and held him tightly. I don't want to ever lose this warmth. I don't ever want to hurt this warmth....

"Len?" I asked after pulling away from the kiss for a moment.

"Hmm?" Len tilted his head in curiosity.

"Don't ever leave me, okay?" I pursed my lips in embarrassment, a light blush dusting my cheeks.

Len laughed softly. "I won't," he said. "I promise." He held up his hand, giving me his pinkie in expectance.

I laughed and moved one hand down to interlock our pinkies together. "I promise too," I said before moving back to kiss him again.

I won't ever leave your side.... Okay, Len...?

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