Makoto x Reader

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You were sat at the bar, with a Christmas sweater on, by yourself. In December. The bar was not too full as it was a remarkably cold day, there were a few empty seats either side of you, which you had made the most out of, resting your legs across the tops of two of them. You had another sip of your festive cocktail and bobbed your head to the sound of your favourite Christmas chart topper, which was blasting through some overhead speakers. You sighed, a small laugh escaping your lips. You just had to get yourself dumped two weeks before the most magical day of the year, didn't you? You ordered another drink. This one tasted of ginger, and even had a few ginger shavings in it. You admired it for a second, before taking a large unattractive slug of it.

"Uh.. um excuse me, miss, are you saving these seats for friends or..?" A quiet voice asked, and you spun around, to see who was speaking. It was a tall guy with brown hair and green eyes, or was it green eyes and brown hair? Your head was spinning, were you drunk?

"Excuse me, miss, did you hear me?" He spoke again, his voice was a little louder, but still soft, almost motherly. You shook your head abruptly.

"Oh.. oh no, no-one's joining me, aha, its just me," you answered quickly. He smiled and laughed cutely, before sitting beside you. Fuck, he was tall. He was sat down and he was still incredibly tall. And wide. You looked him up and down quickly. Was he cute? Yes. And he was sitting beside you.

"What are you in here for, you seem dazed.." he asked, turning slightly to face you a little easier.

"Hah, erm, I totally got dumped two weeks before Christmas, yeah, which is great, so I'm just having a few festive drinks to take my mind off it, which isn't working actually, but I don't mind." You didn't face him, you looked straight ahead. you shrugged.

He leant forward, and rested his elbow on the bar, his chin in his hand. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that! People don't recognise a good thing when they have it, he was probably a dick anyway." You could feel a lump growing in your throat, and your eyes began to sting. Maybe it was the alcohol. A salty tear began its way down your cheek.

"Ah, I don't know if I really wanna talk about it, actually." You spluttered out, trying to regulate your breathing. Oh great, now you're drunk and crying in front of a cute boy. You couldnt hold it in any longer, and you pushed your drink aside.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I upset you!" He spoke, sounding a little startled. You held a hand up to your face and wiped your tear away with the sleeve.

"Should I walk you home? Wait, will your ex be there?" Your new 'friend' asked. You felt a strong arm wrap itself around you, and you complied, leaning onto the man's chest. He smelt like.. chlorine, which was strange, who swims at this time of year?

"Yeah, I moved in with him, not long ago, actually.." you muttered bitterly.

He held you there for a while, until you had calmed down (mostly) and the two of you left the bar.

It was snowing outside. It was cold and dark, but honestly you felt incredibly comfortable. The tall guy's arm was around your waist, in case your drinking had effected your walking, which it hadn't done, but you did not feel like telling him that.

He cleared his throat, "I forgot to ask for your name earlier, my name is Makoto. So, I guess you don't exactly wanna go back home, do you? You can stay at mine, if you want.. You can have my bed, I can take the couch." He gave you a gentle reassuring squeeze, and you giggled lightly.

"If you don't mind, I'd actually love to. Although I don't have any pjamas.. oh an my name is (y/n)!" you agreed, but you were curious as to what you would wear to bed, a thick Christmas jumper and some mom jeans probably wasn't the best idea.

"You could borrow a t-shirt. I'd offer you pjama bottoms as well but my shirts would fit you like a dress, aha" he mused, using his free had to gesture to his shirt, and you blushed at the thought of it. He was actually quite attractive, he seemed more comfortable in the quiet snowy streets than in the loud bar. You wondered why he was even in there.

After a few minutes of walking, you reached his apartment. He got out the key and opened the door, which took a while because you were both shivering. He entered his place, turned on the lights and held the door open for you to join him. He shut the door and sighed in relief. He gestured for you to remove your coat and your shoes, so you both did, and he hung them up near the door.

Makoto pointed towards an open door, near the far side of the flat, past the kitchen. "That's my room. There should be an ideal shirt in there for you to wear. I'm gonna put the kettle on, its not that late, plus I gotta shower so yeah.. if you wanna shower, just say when and I'll show you the ropes." He smiled sweetly. it was the same smile as the one in the bar, it seemed to ease away your anxiety, and raise your heartbeat at the same time. He seemed to be getting more attractive the more you warmed to him. You nodded.

"I might as well change out of this now, its rather warm in here." You decided, and wandered into his bedroom, closing the door behind you. You raided his closet and found a very large (in comparison to yourself) t-shirt, green and white stripes. You stripped off your jumper and jeans, debating whether or not to remove your bra. You decided to keep it on. You wrestled with his t-shirt, it did fit like a dress, you felt very good in it, boyfriend sweaters and shirts always felt good. But this shirt felt really good. Maybe it was his scent which hung off it, or how soft it was. Or how cute he was. You admired yourself in the mirror, before you heard the kettle go off.

You retured to the main room, and planted yourself cross leged on the couch. The couch was facing away from the small kitchen but you could hear Makoto humming softly to himself. It was the same Christmas song from the bar. Your favourite one. You smiled to yourself. Soon he sat himself next to you and handed you a mug of coffee before swiveling himself to face you. You blushed, you were wearing nothing but your underwear and his oversized t-shirt. You turned to face him and leant to your side, against the couch.

"why do you smell like chlorine?" You pondered, taking a sip from your coffee. He laughed lightly, his definitely green eyes closed for a second.

"Ah, I actually teach kids how to swim for a living. Its a real miracle they'd wanna swim at this time of year, but its whatever, aha, I've always swam, I used to do it competitively.. but I stopped, because.. my ex boyfriend, who used to swim with me, ended up moving to Australia for a competition, and I didn't wanna swim alone." He sighed, taking a gulp of his coffee. His eyes wandered quickly over you. "You do look pretty in my shirt," he mumbed, but he intended for you to hear, and you did, and you could feel yourself going a little red. You looked away shyly.

"Do you wanna makeout? Is that what you want?" You enquired. He became very flustered. You continued, "you saw a girl, one you just called pretty, alone in a bar and you walked over to her, were you gonna make a move or something?" You chuckled, slightly nervous.

He gasped jokingly and tugged at his collar. "Guilty." He laughed, before nodding. He licked his lips subtly. You downed the rest of your coffee and pulled your arms up around his neck, looking down at his lips before gently pushing yours onto them. You closed your eyes, and felt his arms snake around you, pulling you forward. He turned to face forward, before lifting you onto his lap. You pulled away for air, openig your eyes, to be met with his, which seemed a much darker green now, the colour probably deepened by lust or something like that. He smiled against your lips. He raised an eyebrow and let his eyes trace down, from your lips, your neck, to the bottom of your (his) shirt. You unwrapped your arms from his neck and brought them to the hem of the shirt, and chuckled sweetly. He swallowed, his mouth open a little, and he let out a small gasp. He brought his strong hands to your upper thighs, parting them just a little, but enough to make you squirm, yanking his shirt off of yourself and leaning yourself back slightly. He took in the view for a moment before bringing his lips back to yours. His lips were quite chapped from the cold, but that did not matter. You made out for a while, before he began to trace your thighs with his fingers, briging them nearer and nearer to your panties.

You pulled away from him for a second to catch your breath again. His breathing was husky, too, and he let out another gasp, his voice low and hot. He signaled toward his bedroom, and you nodded, kissing him again.

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