We were thinking...

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"Bradyn, breakfast is ready!" I looked up from the computer screen and saw her standing in the doorway.

"Okay, I'm coming. Be right there." I shut off the desktop and walked into dining room. And sat next to my older brother, Luca. I've been told that when I "died" he took it the hardest. He tries his best to be the "intimidating, protective big brother" role. I look over at him and see that he is staring at me.

"What? Do I have something on my face?"

He smiled at me, as if I were the greatest thing to happen to the world. If there was something on my mind, he would've been the first person I told.

"No, there is nothing on your face. I can't just be happy to see you?" He questions.

"I can't see any reason why you be."

I look down at the plate placed in front of me and starting eating. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him frown at me. He was about to respond to my statement when my mother walked in from the kitchen, cutting him off with something to say.

"So, myself and Patrick have thought very hard about this. And we feel it would be best for you to get back into the swing of normal life. So we decided that we're going to enroll back in your old high school to start and finish your last year of school."

This might sound werid, but I actually wanted to go back to school. Go back and show them what's changed about me. But Luca wasn't very fond of this idea.

"Mom why would you so this?! You guys know how horrible her school career is, and your just gonna throw her back out there?! Why would you do that?!" He retaliated.

I could see the tears brimming in my mothers eyes. The kids at school were brutal. They're like wild cougars, they won't stop harassing you until they are satisfied with what they've done to your sanity, self esteem, etc. I let it get to me so much, that I ran away.

No one knew what happened or where I went, they we're looking for me for so long, that they finally declared me dead. To say that my family were surprised to hear I was alive is an understatement. They have been trying to get it out of me where I went, but if I tell them where I went, they will call the police on him.

"Bradyn, you don't have to go back if you don't want to. You can do homeschooling, or online classes. But your father and I feel it would be best for you to get back into the social life with other people." Mom tries to reason with me.

"Luca, you have to calm down. It's my decision to make. And I want to go back to school. I think I'm ready for it." I tell him.

He sighs. It's blatantly obvious that Luca doesn't want me to go back to that horrid place.

"I just don't want to go back to how it was before. I hatred seeing you so unhappy."

" I swear I won't let go to how it was before."

That was a promise I planned to keep.

ComeBack (Niall Horan FF)Where stories live. Discover now