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The pic is of Cat
Part 2.

While reading part two please keep in mind that I have never been to rehab but I do have friends that have. I am warning you now that part two will be focusing on the remainder of Matty's stay. This will be a very triggering part of the story. You can skip these parts if you would like. You wont be missing anything but the back story of a few characters. Most of the things that you do read have a very personal connection to myself. My writing is a way for me to tell my story. If you need help, are scared, or need someone to just vent to please feel free to message me here anytime. If you know somoene who is dangerous to themeselves or others please call the police or the suicide hotline.

Matty's P.O.V.


I didn't even know this girl and she just asked me to be her roomate. Maybe she knew who my family was and wanted to get close to me so that she could aquire money. Perhaps she found me attractive and wanted me, not to be conceded but that happens way more than I'd ever admit. When I had gotten here I was determined to get clean so that I could be a better father than my own and I was not at all intersted in making friends or "bonds" with other people.

"Why? You don't even know me. I could be a psychopath and try to kill you in your sleep. You could be a killer for all I know." I said to her standing in the grand hall.

"I'm Cat, not a killer and I hope you aren't either. I honestly just wanna room with someone who won't bother me and from the looks of it you have a full plate already. So I won't be bothered and I won't be a bother. So stranger, what's your name?" She said pretty quickly. She had a southern accent but it wasn't very thick. Smooth talker.

"Mathew, but everyone calls me Matty." I said still very skeptical of Cat.

"I like Mathew. So are we roomies or not?" She said as she started to walk out of the grand hall. I guess I'm supposed to follow her.

I knew if Kelsey found out about this little arrangement she would deffinetly flip her top but on the other hand I felt like the things Cat was saying was pretty reasonable. I didn't want to deal with people and and she wanted to be left alone. I followed her into the hall way as we headed back to the doctors quarters (Where everyone goes for group and individual doctors appoinments).

"Fine but know I'm not interested in anyone. I'm spoken for." I said and went to see Dr. Shaw. I hope she's not crazy and I'm making a good decision. What am I saying? We're all crazy in here.

Cat and I turned in our names to our doctors. That night we had to move our things to new rooms. It wasn't much because we weren't allowed much here. I placed my two changes of clothes on the foot of the bed and took off my rehab slippers which were really no slip socks. Cat walked in with her things and took the bed opposite of mines. Just like me she put her things at the foot of the bed. She had Blonde hair with bright pink ends, her face was round, and she had the greenest eyes I've ever seen. She sat down and looked at me. She was studying my face. We hadn't talked much since her offer was agreed upon and now was a bit uncomfortable. Fortunatly she grabbed a red book from between her colthes and layed down.

I looked at the wall above her and began to try and clear my mind. It was almost impossible. I had Kelsey and the babies on my mind. I was about to be a dad and I was going to have someone else counting on me. I had Kels, Ally, and Niko counting on me today so I had to get clean. I didn't know how I was going to do that. I had been smoking weed since I was 9 and started taking my step mothers pain pill at 12. BY the time I was 13 I was staying out all night drinking and 15 I started expieramenting with heavy pills. I loved the high I got when I took a hand full of candy at a party. All my troubles melted away. I can just taste the pill sitting on my tounge as I closed my eyes and the music belted into my ears. Once the pills kicked in and the drinks started flowing it was almost as if I could see the music dancing in front of me.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Cat's voice. I forgot that she was in the room. I looked outside and saw that it was starting to get late.

"You look high." Cat said. Great.

"I don't...know what to say to that.." I said looking at my hands. I wonder what time it is. We don't have clocks in here, only near the phones and in the doctors office. It's almost as if they are trying to tourture us with the constant wonder of what time it is.

"Why are you here? You don't seem like a normal tweeker." Cat asked me. I didn't know this chick.

"I thought we weren't going to bother each other." I say quickly.

"Am I bothering you?" she asked. She tilited her head at me, weird.

"No." I told her but she continued to wait for me to speak. "Look I'm a kid with too much money and time and not enough perental supervision."

"It's that simple some times. I wish it was always that simple." She now looked far away. I wondered what she ment by that but I wasn't going to ask. Not yet anyways.

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