Chatroom of madness

34 1 2

Taesue: hello everybody
[ 2 participants added]
Me: I'm on
Michael: same
Rishi: me too
Alex. R: hi
Vera: is "IT" here?
Michael: who's "it"?
Me: Peter
Vera: yep
Taesue: it's more like perver, am I right?
Me: lol
Rishi: lol
Michael: lol
Alex. R: lol
Vera: lol
Roy: quack!
Me: ...
Taesue: ...
Alex. R: ...
Michael: again?
Rishi: seriously?
Roy: what?
Taesue: you do that every time
Roy: sorry

Me: I've.... Gone.... CRAZY!!!
[ 8 participant added]
Taesue: what are you doing?
Me: woooo hoo. First person shooter time!
Michael: (facepalm)
Taesue: he is game drunken
Rishi: what is game drunken?
Taesue: that's when he get high on games
Harry: sup
John: sup dingus
Josh: what's up?
Hamish: who added us to the chatroom?
Taesue: brandon, and he is off getting high on games
Kaii: yo
Vera: hi, family friend
Kaii: umm... Hi?
[kaii has left the chatroom]
Jun: I don't want to join this ( censored) chatroom!
[ jun has left the chat room]
Joey: I'm playing LOL so fack dis shiat!
[joey has left the chatroom]
Holybuddhajr: hello
Vera: are you serious Daniel?
Holybuddhajr: what?
Vera: change back your name
[ holybuddhajr changed his name to Daniel]
Daniel: better?
Roy: quack
Daniel: not this again Roy
Roy: quack
Daniel: fack this.I'm out
[ Daniel has left the chatroom]
Hamish: I'm bored
John: who wants to meet up and be dinguses with josh, Harry, Hamish and I.
Rishi: nope
Michael: nah
Taesue: no
Alex. R: nup
Vera: na ah
Me: I would watch, but not be part of it.
John: k
[ John has left the chatroom]
[ Hamish has left the chatroom]
[ josh has left the chatroom]
[ Harry has left the chatroom]
Me: what now?
Taesue: idk
[ 1 participant added]
Vera: who added who? Again
Peter: hi
Vera: * internal screaming*
Alex. R: ok, who added Peter?
Me: I did
Peter: what's up friends?
Rishi: Peter, you have no friends.
Peter: I do so!
Me: is someone needing a wrecking master?
Rishi: help me wreck Peter.
Me: k. Prove that you have friends Peter!
[ Vera has left the chatroom]
Alex. R: k, boys fight. Gonna leave
[ Alex. R has left the chatroom]
Peter: I got Shane, my other neighbors, Rishi.
Rishi: I'm not your friend
Peter: well, I've got tegbir, jackie, zhen y-
Taesue: I asked them and they said that you aren't their friend.
Michael: Asta, la vista
[ Peter has been kicked out of the chatroom]
Roy: quack
Me: ...
Taesue: ...
Michael: ...
Rishi: ...
Roy: ...

Roy: crap fish

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