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Me: I'm a bird!
Taesue: what did you do to Brandon, Roy?
Roy: what do you mean?
Taesue: you corrupted him
Roy: um.. Sorry?
[brandon changed the group name to " Roy has corrupted me"]
Taesue: see, even brandon says that you corrupted him
Roy: but I didn't.
Me: fjgkjkdsngjkbnjdkfsnjbkndsfjkngjkdsfsjbjnkdfnbkjdfnkjbbsdn
Me: k, I'm back to normal mode
Taesue: finally
Michael: qqq....qquu.....qqquuuaa.......quuaaaccc........ qqquuaacckk.....quack...quack!
Rishi: quack, quack
Taesue: what did you do again Roy?
Roy: quack
Taesue: stop it!
Me: quack!
Taesue: ahhhh, quackpocalypse!
Michael: quack
Taesue: ah
Rishi: quack
Taesue: ahh
Me: quack
Taesue: ahhh
Roy: QUACK!!
Taesue: ahhhhhhhhhhh
[2 participants added]
Vera: what's happening?
Alex. R: what the problem?
Taesue: quackpocalypse!
Vera: wha?
Alex. R: what's a quackpocalypse?
Taesue: that's where people turn to mutated zombie ducks.
Vera: ...
Alex. R: you serious?
Me: quack
Rishi: quack
Michael: quack
Roy: HONK! Argh, I mean QUACK!
Alex. R: asked, and answered
Taesue: we are the only ones who can stop this
[3 participants added]
Trisha: hi
Lucy: hello
Amber: hi, ho
Taesue: I stand corrected
Michael: quack
Amber: oh no. It's a quac-
Trisha: a quackpocalypse
Lucy: dun, dun, duuaan
Alex. R: how did you know?
Amber: long story
Trisha: yeah, it's soooo long that no one wants to hear about it
Lucy: k, we need to change the group name and say the spell
Taesue: what spell?
Trisha: the spell to end the quackpocalypse, duh
[ Taesue changed the group name to " verlyn together, but Petra forever"]
Vera: Taesue! Change it back!
Amber: I kind of like it
Vera: NOW!!
Taesue: fine
[ Taesue changed the group name to " qq..qqquuuaa....quuaaaccc.....qqquuaacckk"]
Lucy: Taesue has been corrupted
Alex. R: quack
Trisha: quack
[ Lucy changed the group name to " chatroom of happiness"]
Lucy: time to cast the spell
Amber: the one with the magic is strong, we hold the magic and we cast a spell to end the quackpocalypse. I summon the staff of magic and cast a spell upon the corruptee...qq....qqquuuaa....qqqquuuaacccc......qqqqquuuuaaaccckkk.....quack
Vera: quack
Lucy: to cast a spell upon the corrupted and create peace in the our land of the rising sun.
Michael: quack
Rishi: quack
Me: quack
Roy: quack
Taesue: quack
Alex. R: quack
Vera: quack
Amber: quack
Trisha: quack
Lucy: qqq...qqquuuaa....qqquuuuaaaccc...qqquuaacckk....quack!

Taesue: argh, what just happened?
Rishi: no clue
Michael: I still wonder
Me: some questions can't be solved
Roy: um, what?
Vera: what happened before?
Alex. R: what are we doing here?
Trisha: no idea
Lucy: not sure
Amber: what now?
Lucy: I'm leaving
Trisha: same
Taesue: k, bye
[lucy has left the chatroom]
[amber has left the chatroom]
[trisha has left the chatroom]
[alex.r has left the chatroom]
Vera: I'm bored.
Me: I'm that case, Roy add another person special.
Vera: ooohh, is it Dylan?
[1 participant has been added]
Peter: hi
[ Vera has left the chatroom]
Michael: k, bye
[ Peter has been kicked out of the chatroom]
Taesue: lol
Me: \o/
Michael: -.-
Rishi:  :)
Roy: quack
Taesue: oh no
Me: not this again
Rishi: Roy!
Michael: Roy!
Taesue: Roy!
Me: Roy!
Roy: sorry?

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