Free movies, robots, names and a stalker?

29 0 5

Me: does anyone want to watch free movies?
Me: well, go to
Roy: k
Me: it may be Vietnamese but just search your movie on the search panel
Roy: your a freakin bot
Roy: get out
Me: it translates to " new movies online"
Roy: wait, WTF?
Me: gtg
Roy: you're a bot
Roy: get the fun out
Roy: benson chan, you have been hacked
Roy: no one freakin advertise free movies
Taesue: lol
Roy: hjjfdns
Me:which name were you trying to use?
Roy: umm, both?
Me: then it should be benson tran
Roy: ohh
Me: let's do Taesue
Roy: Taesue Li
Me: willow kim
Taesue: brandon freddybear
Me: willow Li
Roy: Taesue kim
Taesue: brandon tran
Roy: what now?
Taesue: Roy lim
Me: llyoddemc lim
Taesue: I can't think of any thing else
Me: me neither
[ 1 participant added]
Peter: hi
Roy: ow gawd
Me: crapfish
Taesue: damn
[ Taesue has left the chatroom]
[ Roy has left the chatroom]
[ brandon has left the chatroom]
Peter: I know where you live
Peter: yes, I'm a stalker
[ Peter has left the chatroom]

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