We are all soooo bored

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Taesue: I am soo bored, I can read anything
Roy: read, my little pony.
Taesue: I can read anything, but I need to know what's going on
Roy: just read it
Taesue: I can't find anything
Roy: try reading something from the library
Me: ..., mlp?
Roy: hello benson San
Taesue: yay your on
Roy: brb
Taesue: he's gone, quick! Time for EMBARRASSING ROY MOMENTS!!
Me: yay, my favourite meal of the day.
Taesue: ..., anyways, remember when he was. Pedo mickey mouse and you were elmo.
Me: dada dada dadadadaa elmos world!
Taesue: no brandon, what was I?
Me: little village.... JOHN CENA!!!!
Taesue: oh yeah, I was villager.
Me: anyways... I'm bored
Taesue: then do something
Me: like what?
Taesue: idk, slap yourself?
Me: one slap, two slap, three slap... Now I'm bored.
Roy: haha, I read everything you guys said
Taesue: I thought you left
Roy: nope, not at all. Hahaha... End me
Me: nah, too lazy
Taesue: I'm busy doing homework
Me: yeah, Roy, he is doing "homework" wink wink
Roy: yep, I assume it requires movement under covers
Taesue: (facepalm)
Me: ha
Roy: hahahahahahaha
Taesue: shouldn't you be attending some study or gf class?
Me: I hate you
Taesue: thanks for the compliment.
Me: it wasn't a complime....
Roy: hell yeah!!!
Taesue: aiiiiiieeee
Roy: aaiiiiiieeeee
Me: ffffff..... Fudge nuggets
Taesue: no swearing
Me: but, but, but...
Roy: pfft.... Butts
Taesue: did you evolve from a duck to a minion?
Roy: nope
Me: yea, I'm outie. Bai
[brandon left the chatroom]
Roy: hahaha... I'm bored
Taesue: talk about it
Roy: it's like 12am
Taesue: yep, I gotta go to bed
Roy: ok, make sure the bed doesn't get to wet.
Taesue: yep, that's why I'm leaving
Roy: thank you
Taesue: that wasn't a compliment
Roy: thank you again
Taesue: I said that wasn't a compli... Oh forget it
Roy thanks from you too
[ Taesue left the chatroom]
Roy: hehe, time for my daily dose of anime.
[roy has left the chatroom]

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