Chapter 10

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We came from out the kitchen and seen shocked faces of our kids and a confused face from our baby Ross they had tears in there eyes and so did we the first one to act was Rydel she ran up to Mark and hugged him then me soon everyone except Ross was crying in a group hug.

Ross:wait who are they

Me:Ross I'm your mom Stormie Lynch that's you dad Mark Lynch

I didn't say anything because I started to get flashbacks and pains everywhere I screamed and felt myself slipping I could hear my family telling me to stay awake but I couldn't so I let go and it went dark.

He passed out as soon as he was on the stretcher they checked his pulse and heart and rushed him in the truck mom hopped in while we got in the car and pulled behind them.

As soon as we got to the hospital we hopped out and rushed in to the desk.

Mom:where is Ross Lynch

Nurse:you can't see him he's in surgery but you can sit near the room

We sat there for hours until the doctor came out with a sad looked on his face.

Doctor:Ross Lynch is fine he just passed out from all the flashbacks coming in at once he's asleep right now so be very quiet

We smile and walk in we all sit in chairs and on the sofa and take a nap until he wakes up.

The Car Accident That Changed Everything (In The Process of Editing)Where stories live. Discover now