Chapter 18

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Dedicated to R5_forever_2001 she really helped me a lot and without her I would still be stuck so thank you so much.

Rocky POV
I woke up in a cold room lit with a single light bulb, I looked around and saw everyone was getting up and looked confused and scared.

Vanessa: what was that

Riker: I don't know but we have to get out of here and find Ross

We looked around the room and saw a door. That's it a door no windows or vents and to make it worse the door was made of metal with padlocks and alarms so if we did get out, which I'm starting to doubt whoever put us here would know.

Laura: how do we get out of here without getting caught

Riker: I don't know

With Ryland and ???

We watched Ross wake up and look around his eyes landed on Ryland and he looked angry but what's he gonna do about it he's the one tied down.

Ross: Ryland what the hell is going on

Ryland smirked and pulled a knife from behind his back and walked closer to Ross sliding the knife against Ross's leg up to his stomach.

Ryland: don't worry big bro I'm going to take good care of you

With that being said Ryland pressed the knife down harder and started to carve an word into his stomach. Ross began to scream and beg for him to stop and weirdly after he finished the word he stopped and Ross thought it was over as he started to breath hard. But nope Ryland pulled out salt and ??? Pulled out whiskey and at the same time they both poured it on the wound smirks turning into smiles as Ross screamed in pain.

Vanessa POV
We were sitting down in the room and began to give up on ever finding Ross or even getting out. But suddenly we heard screaming that sounded exactly like...


We all got up and began banging on the door and calling his name in hopes of him hearing us. His screams stopped but it didn't take long for them to start up again.

We were still screaming Ross's name but we stopped banging because we didn't hear his screaming anymore. We were all walking around the room saying his name like there was no tomorrow. We were all screaming when suddenly the door opened and we turned and saw someone we haven't seen in a while...

Rocky:.... You ......

CLIFFHANGER... But here's a new chapter hope you enjoy it huge thank you to R5_forever_2001 she gave me this idea and is an amazing author go check out her books. Leave your honest opinion on what you think. Sorry for the errors.

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