Chapter 11

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I woke up in a bed with a bunch of wires on me I looked and seen I was in a hospital and my siblings were asleep next to me but two other people they looked really familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it as I was about to get up someone came in the room with all black and a needle tried to press the button but it was to late the needle had been jabbed in my side and I blacked out.

We were awoken by Ross heart rate going crazy I pushed the button multiple times and a lot of doctors came in and rolled him to another room we began to worry and even cry what was happening to him??

Doctor 1
We had gotten him to surgery and checked his vitals and seen someone had injected something on his system highly deathly poison we had to find quickly cure in 48 hours or he's a goner.

We had put him back in his room and called the family back in you could see they were worried which made it harder to explain.

Me:Ross is in a coma we found highly deathly poison in his system and if we don't find a cure in at least 2 days he'll be gone for good.

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