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 I squeezed my eyes shut focusing on the target in front of me. I felt the rage bubbling inside of me. 


'Breathe Caspiano, Breathe Caspiano' I heard my inner voice reassuring me. 


 I pushed with all my power to heat it up all the way. My forehead was dotted with sweat and my head was pounding from the pressure. Then I felt it, a burning sensation through me. A surge of energy blasted through my veins and I lost control. The power almost blew the whole room up and setting fire to my trainer who was now unbelievably scared and crawling on the floor. 


“What in the world Caspiano!” My father appeared from the entrance of the room. 

His black hair was slicked back and he walked with confidence just like a king should. His bright yellow eyeballs were filled with so many emotions, I couldn't read, although I was an expert at reading emotions which was one of my many gifts. Father could block out people, his greatest power source was defense. This was why he made such a great king. He could protect our planet Koron from the dangers of the outer world. Unlike me who only caused destruction. Each day I would be reminded of the fact that I can’t protect my people if I can’t control my gift. I hated being the heir to the throne. So what if so many people wanted to be in my position, I never asked for my life, it was too much too handle. 


Two guards trailed behind him. They were Cyporses, with broadly built bodies and six arms. There were one of the strongest kinds in Koron, that's why they were assigned to guard the royal family and our planet. They’re hair was an orangey urban color which was almost rustic. Like the king’s no hair was out of place each was stuck perfectly onto their scalp. Their eyes matched their hair color but glimmered in the sunlight making it almost look traffic cone orange. The neon color if you looked to long would burn your eyes. 


“Caspiano are you listening to me? Did you hear a word I just said?” Father's loud deep voice echoed through the hall.

When my father’s eyes turned to slits, I could have sworn the land shook. He slammed his staff to the ground whispering enchanted words underneath his breath. 

Okay so I was scared now. 

In less than a second the room turned back to normal while my dad's stern expression glared at me. I refused to hang my head down because of my pride. 

Stupid pride look up at him don’t get into more trouble than you actually are look up! 


“I did it.” They were the only three words I could mutter out. Idiot. 


“You did it! This isn't about you doing it!” He placed his fingers on his temples rubbing them slowly. 

“Caspiano you are soon of age, we can't tolerate games anymore for the sake of Koron. Being king is not a joke or a privilege that just gets handed down to you, you have to work for it, and you have to try.” 


He flung his hands up in the air. I was always a disgrace to him and it hurt more than it should, if only mum was here she would understand but yet I was stuck with my father who thought I was a disappointment. There was a time when he loved me though back when mum was alive but she was killed by an attack from a planet more than one hundred years ago. Ever since then all my father was is an emotional robot who always wore a cold expression. He like me blocked out everyone to avoid being damaged further, my mother was a great woman and queen. She always cared for everyone no matter if they were not superior. No one could replace her. 

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