Fuck Money, We Want Love.

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I woke up to the most beautiful voice in the world! Kurt Cobain, you are my God! I did my routine. Get up, have a shower. And then I check my phone. Normally I have nothing. I'm not a very sociable person. Expect for basically my one and only friend Emily. She's a fucking awesome girl. Cherry red hair, and am awesome style. But she had one flaw. To insecure. Well at times anyway. I think of her as such as an amazing person, but she puts herself down way to many times. 

So I checked my phone. “One message from Emily.” I opened it up to almost an essay of a message. 

“BECCA! DRESSED NOW! WE'RE GOING SHOPPING! NO TIME TO EXPLAIN! But dress for being around boys for the whole day, NO BLUE BANANA DRESS!” 

Fuck! I do love that dress though. Okay fine then. I checked to see what I had in my wardrobe to replace it. Oh, maybe I'll wear my ripped jeans with my Nirvana top! Oh of course with my beanie. 

“MAMA BURROWS!” Guessing Emily was here I jump down stairs  out to my pouch. “Yo Becca, I have gifts in the car... and there alive” She was mad, but I guess once I get in the car I'll turn insane to.

“Emily what did I say about eating my mum?” I pushed her aside. “Hey mum you know like... I don't ask for much?” 

“How much? 50 do? Okay tell you what 80, but only if you promise to bring my second daughter home tonight. And gave me a wink.” My mum, at times, was like on of the gang. Well the gang of four. My dad include. We do have our eventful evenings of walking dead and zombie impressions. To the stuffing our faces while the boys play upstairs. Yep, My parents we're still children, but It's more fun for me and Emily I guess.

As I waited for my mum to get me money, I stared into the car. I felt like somebody was watching me. Not in a creepy way. I just wanted to know who Emily brought me to meet. I didn't think there were many cool people in San Diego. I guess I was wrong.

When my mum finally let me go and Emily go, I jumped into the car. And what did I find! Four good-looking and tattooed up, expect for one, men? “uh... hi guys” I didn't really know what to say.

I was soon bombarded with many of questions from all four.

“Oh so you're Rebecca then, Nice top. I'm Vic,” And he held out his hand, I grabbed his hand to shake but then he pulled me in for a hug. 

“Nice to meet you, but uh Vic?” 

“Yes Rebecca? Whats wrong?” 

“Your kinder crushing me, not that I mind but... let me breath” they all laughed expect for Vic. He blushed and look at his feet.

“Uh sorry, You're just kinder part of the gang now, You're gonna need to get used it.” 

We carried on small talk until we arrived. Me, Emily and Mike ran to each shop. Spending and spending money. While the other three boys carried our bags. When the boys went of to get some coffees I turned to Emily. 

“How the fuck did you meet them?” I nudged her a bit and gave the concerned look in my eyes. 

“I'll tell you later. A little birdy tells me you like the look of Jaime. Care to share?” She giggled and went back to debating which Star Wars top she wanted. 

“Who's Jaime?” I blushed. She could see right through me. She knew I knew who Jaime was. Play it cool! Play it cool, If he likes you, he'll come to you.

When the boys arrived back from getting coffees, Tony brought both Star Wars T-shirts for her, and we drove back home. Em dropped of the boys at Vic's and then we drove back to mine, For a sleepover full of Secrets and Gossip.

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