Portals, Deals and Decisions

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The Void.

A starry, cold uncaring place, where the forgotten, the deceased and the lost live.

A place where one individual person does not belong.

He had tried hard to escape, but in the end, his hard attempts were for naught.

This person was taken to trial for evading death not once, not twice, but three times.

This person's name is Armen.

"Armen, you have fought, and struggled, and have been an overall valiant person." The shadowy figure in front of him said.

"Placing aside what you did in a possessed state of mind, you deserve to be elsewhere, in a better place. So why are you here?"

Armen took no time in spitting out his answer.

"Because you plan on using me more."

The figure chuckled. "I will not lie to you, that has come into consideration... but no, if you choose this path, no further punishment shall be necessary."

"What is this path?" Armen asked, his blue eyes flashing.

"Before I speak any further into this matter, I would like to sympathize about your life. You deserved much better that what-"

"Can it, dimbulb and give me my options before I slap you." Armen spat.

"Okay..." The creature grinned. "You really have quite the temper... As I was saying, you deserved a better life. I can give you that."

"What do you mean?" Armen asked, taking a step back.

"I can give you the life you've wanted, craved... for so long. I can let you and the hybrid-"

"Drake" Armen interrupted, looking slightly annoyed. "His name is Drake."

"Drake." The creature continued, unimpressed. "You and Drake can start life anew, in the center of the empire! Everyone will respect you! They can forget your past, Armen, and treat you like the hero you deserve to be called! That Drake deserves to be called! The vanquishers of Herobrine! Slayers of evil! Saviors of Minecraftia!"

Armen considered this option. It sounded so tempting... He didn't know how he would start up his life again. Nobody would be able to look past his corruption and accept him ever again! Plus, in this new world, he didn't even know where to start when it came to shelter, or food.

But then, he decided to ask the inevitable;

"What's the catch?"

"Well, I'm going to need to remove your two other friends from the deal. Grayson, and.. Mia was it? Yes.... they will have to go."

"Why?!" Armen exclaimed.

"Well, since I managed to snag them when they passed through the portal, they now reside in my realm."

A flame grew in his hands, and three figures slowly sprouted out, and floated in the air, each surrounded by a different coloured aura.

Drake, Mia and Grayson, all seemingly asleep, Drake's aura purple, Mia's pink and Grayson's green.

"Drake... Grayson.... Mia..." Armen choked.

"Relax, they are not fully inside my realm, to do that they must first be dead, or... well nevermind about that. But enough of them is in that it would be a pain to remove you all. Plus, returning all of them costs way too much."

"What do you mean?" Armen's gaze fixated on Drake's limp figure. "What cost?"

"Ah ah!" The figure grinned, wiggling a finger. "First, we must seal the deal!"

"What will become of Grayson and Mia?" Armen asked, a sick feeling starting to expand in his chest.

"They will slowly fade into my realm." The creature shrugged. "Probably be trapped forever."

"Then no!" Armen said firmly, but his eyes watered. "You must think I'm stupid if you truly think I'd choose that! Is there another option?"

"I suppose there is another." The creature sighed. "But it's much harder, and the losses may be worse."

"What is it?" Armen demanded.

"I can let all three of your friends go..." The shadowy figure conceded. "But you'll have to stay here, and... I think I'll let Herobrine roam free in Drake's mind once more."

"What?!" Armen exclaimed. "Why?!"

"Because I have plans, little Armen." The creature sneered. "And Herobrine is... a wonderful asset."

"What plans?" Armen asked, but knew already what the answer was going to be.

"Now, I can't tell you yet." The shadow figure grinned. "That wouldn't be fun now, would it?"

"So... my options are a happy life with Drake, but I have to live knowing that I condemned two innocent people to an eternity of torment... or I allow my three friends to go without me... give them another chance, but Herobrine roams free once more, free to torture Drake whenever he pleases, and depending on the result, it could potentially be worse in the outcome?!"

"Yes, that sounds about right." The creature sneered. "Make your decision Armen, I am not one for patience."

Armen glanced at Drake and Grayson, and then at Mia, who he had never known, but still knew she was a wonderful person. And in that moment he knew, that he would never live with himself if he chose option one, never forget. He had slaughtered so many...

So what would two more make? The evil side of him whispered.

But he shook his head, knowing that he couldn't.

"I... I choose option two." He eventually said. "I could never let my friends die like this. Not... not without a chance."

"Okay, your decision." The creature shrugged. "Now, shall we shake on it?" He grinned and held out his hand, shadowy particles dancing at his fingertips. "Deal?"

Armen stared at the creature, his face a mask of disgust and pure loathing, as he slowly extended his hand.

"Deal." He murmured, as the particles wrapped around the two individual's hands, as if sealing it with unseen magical bindings.

His three friend's images evaporated, as the creature stepped back, an evil smirk on his face.

"Then let the fun begin."

Alright.... That's part one of this new Haunted book! X3 I will admit, I had a lot of fun planning this out! I literally have, like ten pages of sketches and plans for this book! I'm sorry I could not fulfill my promise of a sequel of the next book, but I can promise you there will be a sequel to this one! Hope you enjoyed it! Bai! ~Dream 

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