Chapter Three

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I woke up mid snore, as there was a firm knock on the door. My eyes slit open as I lazily lifted my head from off my pillow yawning.

"Niall, time to get up. Breakfast is ready downstairs." I heard my mom call sternly, before the sound of her heels disappeared down the hall and hallow stair case.

I ran my fingers through my hair trying to fix it knowing it must have been in different all directions. I looked over to my digital clock on the bed stand as the blanket of sleep continued to be wept over me.

7:22 am?

I groaned throwing my head in my pillow. How could I forget? My mom always got me up before she went out for work, and to tempt me out of bed she would leave breakfast.

When I used to wake up, I would know that I had school so I had no choice, and even on the weekends after I got up I would have my friends, football practices and games, dates, and now? I got nothing. What am I going to do all day?

I sighed throwing my head in the pillow again.

After about 5 minutes of contemplating what I'm going to do, I finally forced myself out of bed. I was still in my cloths from last night, mom wouldn't approve of that and I really didn't feel like hearing it all this morning, so I tossed off my shirt going over to my old drawers taking out an old t-shirt I left behind.

When I left, I didn't leave a lot of cloths here - because I didn't plan on coming back. The rest of my cloths are in my car, i'll just get it later.

I held my shirt shutting the drawer, before peering back over to my window.

I wonder if her windows open, maybe she's up? She's always been an early bird as much as I fucking hated it. I never understood how someone could get up so easily.

I threw my shirt on and walked over to my window grabbing the string ready to pull.

I was about to open it, but hesitated, and decided against it. Instead, I just peaked through the blinds.


Her window is still the way it was last night.

I frowned, dissapointed. I heard my mom call my name from down stairs.

I gave her window one last longing look before finally walking away.

Once I arrived downstairs, I noticed my dad wasn't there still. He would usually be sitting at the table with a coffee and a newspaper like all those old fashion dads from those movies in the 1970's. I figured he already left for work, I had the vibe he was probably avoiding me.

I cleared my throat sitting at the table, and my mom placed down a plate full of eggs and bacon. Usually she would leave an omelet on the side, but I didn't mind. Better than cereal, especially the shitty kind my room mate had.

I thanked her, before digging in. She was making her coffee, while searching through her phone - probably to check meetings and clients and all that stupid shit I really didn't give a crap about.

The silence would usually be something I was used too, but there was something off about it, something unusual. It made things.. awkward.

I had the feeling to finish up my breakfast as fast as I could so I was able leave the room as soon as possible.

After I stole the last bite of bacon, I got up with my plate making my way over to the sink and placing it gently in.

"Thanks, mom." I said with a small smile. She didn't look up from her phone but only nodded, obviously invested in whatever the hell she was reading. Of fucking course.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. I took my car keys out of my pocket. "I'm gonna head out - you need anything at the store?"

She just shook her head, "No, but a little peace and quiet would be nice." she implied, glancing up at me, giving me a look.

I stared at her in disbelief, and huffed shaking my head, and walking out of the room and out the door, debating whether or not to return.

I jogged down the steps, making my way to my car. I took this time to take in my old neighborhood - the houses itself looked the same, but there were small things that I realized were gone or missing.

The Andersons mailbox, across the street was painted black and had the name Camerion printed on it, I figured the old couple must have finally moved out after all the years of talking about it at the stupid barbecues I was forced to go to in the summer.

The sidewalks that used to be so clean cut, had weeds sticking out of the cracks that I never noticed before. Riding skateboards on it wouldn't be fun anymore considering you would fall flat on your ass.

Julios, the german Shepard that lived a few houses down was laying down under the deck just meekly watching cars and people pass by. He looked so tired, and old. Before I left that dog never kept its yap shut, and he was intimidating as fuck. I came home drunk once and stumbled onto his owners lawn and I really thought he was going to rip my face off. Now hes all.. calm. He even looks a little sad. Its a bit depressing.

Seeing Julios made me think of Bruiser, I reminded myself to check on him later once I got back.

I hopped in the car, starting it up, but not before giving Graces house a good look now that it was in the morning light.

It really didn't look all that different, the house was the same color, the grass may of looked less green and less taken care of then before I left but for the most part - mostly the same.

In a way I felt reassured. When I left I hoped that if or when I came back nothing would be different, but I guess so far so good? It all really depends on when or if, I see her, and how she feels about me.

But not right now, right now I need to find my best friend, Aiden.

Hes the first of many on my list of people to apologize too, maybe not the top, but its a start, right?

[EDITED: 4/30/15]

A/N - sorry if its a bit short, and not much happened, but i just wanted to post/update something on this. Leave feedback please and thank you! :)

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