Chapter One: Medusa

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"Please Gina, can we talk about something else?", I begged my best friend. She was literally going on and on about her new crush and it made me sick. I love her, don't get me wrong but man, she was addicted to boys. Since I've known her, she had so many boyfriends that I lost count.

"I'm sorry Kara, it's just that he's sooo adorable", she really exaggerated the 'so'.

"Who is adorable? Tell me, tell me, tell me!", it was my other best friend Daniel. Gay best friend, to be exact.

"Have you seen the new guy? His name is Aaron and boy, do I want a piece of that", Gina squealed.

We were standing in front of my locker, as Gina fangirled over Aaron.

Then I saw him.

I hadn't seen him all summer. I heard he did volunteering work in Nigeria. Damn, could he get any more perfect.

Gina gave me a look, which spoke more than thousand words. I knew why she was giving me that look. I promised her to grow some balls and finally talk to him. I'm not even sure whether he knows my name.

"Sooo", Daniel said, "when are you going to get a piece of that fine ass?" "Oh my god Dan, I just want to get to know him better, that's all", I said, knowing for sure he didn't believe a word I spoke. "And why the hell where you checking out his butt?", I whisper-screamed. "Well if you aren't going to step up and do something this year, I will", Daniel stated.

Gina laughed and also told me to go for it. I knew they were right. "You have been ogling him all year last year. You are lucky he's still single", Gina told me.

I had the biggest crush on Isaac since he came to Roosevelt High School last year. Gina always pushed me to talk to him, but I was too shy. I mean, why would he, one of the nicest, coolest, handsomest boy in school, want to have anything to do with me. I was just an average, brownhaired girl. And I was short. Very, very short.

I had been making up scenarios about me and him a lot last year. Enough of that, I thought to myself. I should really man up and just do it. And who says a girl can't makd the first step? It's the 21st century for goodness sake.


I discovered I didn't have a lot of classes with Gina and Daniel. It didn't matter though, I had some "friends" in each class. And with that I mean people I could talk and laugh with, but not really share everything with you know? It didn't bother me though.


Second period, math. Ugh, I just couldn't describe my hate for math. Ms. Duncan (or as I like to call her 'Medusa' cause everytime I look into her eyes, it's like I get petrified) was waiting for the class to get quiet. I hate it when teachers do that.

I was sitting next to Jerome, also a best friend of mine. Our squad consisterd of us four.

Jerome was kind of an outsider. I have been friends with him since we walked in this school as the babies were back then.

His had a great personality, but puberty hadn't really done its job with him.

He was telling me about his summer.

"And then, he just fell. It was hilarious to see, but unfortunately he did broke his arm. Luckily, I filmed the whole thing, I could show it to you later", he told cheerfully. "My dad was furious when he found out my brother had used his motor. We were just playing with it though, I didn't know something bad would happen." "You should really watch out, these things will be the cause of your death someday", I warned him. "Yeah yeah, I know. But that's so boring", he whined. I just sighed and then laughed.

"Silence!", Ms. Duncan yelled. "I see that you just can't stop talking. The next one to bring out one word, has to copy the whole book! Is that clear?" We knew her well enough to not say anything to this, because that will count as one word too. "Good", she said satisfied.

The period went really slow. There was one thing that kept me awake. It was Isaac. He was also in this class and he sat one table in front of mine. So basically, I was staring at his beautiful back.

"So the solution is.., Ms. Waters could you answer this for me", Ms. Duncan said as I woke up from my daydream. "Ehh, ehm..", I stutteted, knowing I was screwed.

"750", Jerome whispered. "I don't have all day Ms. Waters, come on", she stared at me which put more pressure on me. "750 ma'am", I said confidently.

The whole class started laughing and I didn't know why. I looked at Jerome who looked like he was going to pee himself from laughing. Oh, I hate that boy.

When the bell rang, Jerome fleed away. He knew I was going to kick his ass for doing that. But I will get my revenge.


The day went by quickly. Before I went home, I spoke to Gina at the lockers. Of course, she had all the latest juicy gossip.

"Have you heard Jenny is pregnant?!" "Holy.. no way!" "Yes way! That's why she didn't came to school today. I heard she got kicked out of her parents house." "Oh my god, that's so sad!", I said sarcastically.

Jenny was the biggest hoe in school. She basically slept with all the guys on the basketball team.


Usually, I took the bus home. I walked towards the bus shelter when I saw the silhouet of a boy. And it wasn't just any boy.. it was Isaac.


Note: thankyou so much for deciding to read my story! Feel free to leave feedback!


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