Kaname uchiha

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"Good work, kaname uchiha."

"Thank u for ur help, everyone, " the said boy aged about 14, bowed his head with utmost respect infront of his teammates.

"Then u can go and report the details to hokage-sama. ", One of the shinobi asked a bit hesitantly to the said boy , handling over the documents.

"Hai . You all may go home and rest. I will do the rest. ", The boy replied back politely and again , bowing the last time he went off.

The wind is soothing. The rustling of leaves are smooth. A boy with brown hairs, pale skin with sharp chin and sharp dark green eyes are passing by. His steps are slow , face a bit downed , hairs ruffling with breeze. Although after a long tiring mission , with messy hairs and outfits, his perfect handsomely appearance and sharp features can't b ignored. The natural and ultimate women killing similarities like the uchiha 's ,, that he inherited most strongly is impossible not to notice.

The road is empty , no trace of people at all. Saying this , that's why he chose to walk through this road. Because being with trees and natures always gives the most comfort to him than people, than family, than friends.

"Kaname uchiha, huh ? ", A soft but sad sigh escapes from him.

They still don't trust me at all. I m a traitor to them still , as they think of my father. The emotions that can't be seen in his eyes , takes over his big green eyes. But still..... Even with those sadness..... it's impossible , not to notice the sharpness , brightness and the depth of green in those big eyes. The glow with that it shines , almost impossible to avoid the charm , loyalty and the superiority.

That's who kaname uchiha is. Son of Itachi uchiha. Mom not exactly known but all kaname knows from his aunt Hinata , is she was a heavenly beauty and he took after his mom. But his personality , powers and intelligence,, it's best to say it's more suits his father. Mom and dad, are the most desired and respected persons of kaname' life. But it's his most miserable fate and regretted life truth , that ....he won't, b able to know them ever, they both died......

He is the most perfect and powerful heir of hyuga clan that , they strived to have and .....even more ,,he can succeed to b the one as uchiha too. The powers that he rarely shows but...he possesses exceeds beyond far more their expectations and imaginations....

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