Chapter -10

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Kaname punched the tree hard infront of him. Blood came out of his hand and dropped down . It's like little red droplet of flowers hidden inside the grass . He is feeling disgusted at himself. It's getting harder , worse . From childhood Kaname learnt one thing in life there is no place for excuse . I can't do it , I m no used to this kind of things .....these excuses are not good enough. Kaname always fought against his fate . And still he intent to . He might really became the killing machine everyone mock about him. He is afraid ..... he is afraid of himself , afraid of this life, this power and everything. The thing he hates the most is to kill and take life . But alas ! It's his destiny. He has born with it . He is a shinobi and he must kill in order to protect peace and his people . Suddenly Kaname felt like losing all his strength and sat heavily on the ground leaning against the tree . He no longer could hold himself . He looked up at the clear blue sky and slowly closed his eyes ....,,,

A girl aged nearly 9 was observing this boy from behind a tree. actually, she was peeking at him . For Kaname, It's his favourite place. Whenever he is tormented inside he comes here to spend some alone time . These trees are like his friends. They give him comfort and peace unlike people .

A few moments passed . Kaname was nearly asleep out of exhaustion . Suddenly a soft but hesitant voice spoke from behind the tree." ? "

"Hn ? " Kaname was surprised. No one comes here but him. It's like his secret and only place . Even Sarada doesn't know this place . Only Sasuke knows this place . Who possibly could have found this place ? It's not easy to find out this place unless u have quite a powerful eye . You have to cast off a lot powerful genjutsus . Besides it is totally at the nape of other side of a mountain and a jungle . It's no less than being pass through the dead forest .

Kaname curiously looked for the person who came here, still weighting against the tree. With total astonishment Kaname found none other but ....himawari!

"Himawari ?! "

"I m so....sorry...Kaname-sama ! ", Her stuttered voice confessed of total guilt .

Smirking , Kaname raised his hand signalling her to walk closer to him...

With slow and hesitant steps himawari walked to Kaname. Kaname couldn't help but smile as she came closer and stopped infront of him with head down looking at ground with a guilt and sad face . She is Ofcouse a very cute child and at that moment her cute gesture made Kaname forget everything .

"Is it only you ? "

"Hum ?! ", Himawari looked up at Kaname with her big perfectly rounded blue eyes ...then again she lowered her head and slowly replied, " ha...i "

On a whim , she downed at her knee and made a apology, " I m very sorry Kaname-sama! It's all my fault.because of me u ...u had to ..." , she couldn't help but was stopped by her tears ...

Kaname was about to laugh at Her unorganised behaviours but his face became hard as he saw the tear drops down her eyes ...

"I m sorry , I m very sorry Kaname-sama. "

Kaname-San ! I m ur family , remember? Kaname corrected her sighing .

"Did u follow me ? "

"Hum ?! ", She again looked up at Kaname with her full opened widened eyes which now is flowing with tears .

"Hai ! ", She replied bowed ...again .

Sighing Kaname stood up , getting closure to himawari Kaname smiled holding her face with his two palms , "Stop it , okay ? You might hurt ur neck . " Himawari's whole world just turned upside down at the moment Kaname touched her face . She was stupefied . She became a stone statue . No longer she could move and of course her face started showing all 50 sheds of red !

Kaname tilted his head at a side being amused at her expression. Kaname couldn't stop but to smile softly at the moment he realised himawari was freezed and blushed . It's strange for him too . All along he really hated girls that blushed and became red , just looking at him. He hates fan-girls ! But it's different in case of himawari. He doesn't know but for some reason he is actually liking it .

Kaname took his hand off himawari's face . Again he leaned against the tree and patted a place beside him . He closed his eyes like he wants to back to his nap. Himawari finally pulled herself out of her freezed state . She moved her head a few times side to side to get a hold on herself. She sighed and smiled looking at Kaname 's face . His eyes closed , his face calm . So calm like all he is sleeping with all the peace of this world . Himawari knows very well why Kaname is trying to pretend he is all tried and sleepy . He is saving her from the embarrassment. He is a truly a gentle person .

Himawari sat down at the place Kaname patted a while back . Sitting beside him , she looked up at Kaname ....she is just so happy...she even can't get what is happening...but just seeing his face ...makes her happy somehow . She crossed her legs and putting her face on her palm with the best smile of this world , patiently waited for Kaname to open his eye and speak .....

She can wait ...till forever ...if she is allowed to .....just to look at his face ... Nothing more , nothing less...,,

"It's not ur fault , don't blame ur self . "

"B...ut ....for me you had do agree on something so horrible like this , Kaname-sama. "

"Kaname-san! "

"Hai ! Kaname-San . "Himawari obediently agreed . "It's getting dark , u should go home . "

"B...ut , Kaname-sama ,,,,"

Kaname gave up , she is not going to tell him Kaname-San . He opened his eyes and kneed infront of himawari turning his back , " get on , I will take u home . "

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