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Himawari POV ---

In the morning we finally reached a village. The wind is gentle , weather is comforting . The sun nor too much bright or too dim . the breeze is kind of strong just I like it . It's my perfect weather !

He is walking ahead of me , looking up at the clouds . His mood ...well I have no idea as usual ,,

I wish his face came with a notice board ...like it's gloomy , it's disgusting or might ..it's sweet....I love it.

Well then again the last one.... could  least happen !

I really took a long deep sigh which literally stopped him looking back to check on me ...

Well , one eyebrow twitched , that's all expression I get ....

Atleast I m lucky ...others don't even get that ...I sometimes wonder ...how the anbu deals with him...even more surprisingly,  how my dad copes with him....

Seriously, trying to understand him is like knowing the whole world . But it's worth it..

Wanna buy something ?

Huh ? I was so indulged I didn't even notice we are inside a market place ...he is something else for me , I totally was out of the reality !

Well , I want to buy something for mom , dad and ni-san .

Okay .

Will u buy something ?

Hmm? Yea .

What ? I mean I'm sorry I m asking so much it's just I don't know what is good here , so..

I will buy some books and a paint .

Do u know how to paint ? I was totally exited .....


Then !? The next thing my excitement proofed with the same gradual rate ..😅

I just buy them .

Here again ...my impossible sensei ...

Okay . Go and have a look around the market and buy for ur family .

Wait !!! Won't u accompany me ? I mean I don't know this place ....

No. U r a ninja and a strong person . Take care of urself ..

What !? Well before I could say any word he started walking leaving me in the crowd ...

I was sad ..I didn't move . I kept standing just in that spot ...and I will keep standing .... till he comes back !

why did u do that ...don't talk ...it's okay , don't look at me ,walk ahead,  it's okay ...but not even around me Atleast somewhere I can feel ....it's not damn okay !!! Before I could know I cried ...

Why is he so cold ....


Hey ! Kaname looked behind him to find a certain red haired shinobi .

Juko .

She is crying. You are not  a rude person ...not Atleast with the person who had  already became ur whole world .

Stop it . U talk too much .

Well since u r not denying, I take that as a yes .

I don't like her .

I m confirmed fully . The shinobi smiled with all his teeth out ...

Stop it . Why r u here ?

Spying on my best friend.

Did that go well? Kaname asked flapping the page he was reading of a certain book .

Pretty much , nothing different same as usual trying to be the bad guy.

I m a bad guy . Why don't u just believe that ? Kaname put down that one and took a new one . The story wasn't too good .

Now , plz do a favour . Go to her . She is standing like a statue in the crowd , crying and people is looking at her awkwardly....don't make her embarrassed so much....she will start hating you for real !

She needs to be strong ! She is too kind ..

She is not used to this kind of situation . She is the hokage's only daughter . The hyuga heir too.

Don't worry . She is strong , she is no weak girl as u think she is . I know she has been pampered till now ...but I believe she can make a far more great hokage than I can....I m just leading her the way...I need to guide her to the destiny .

Destiny !? U r not thinking of leaving the konoha and hyuga to her , rt ?

- - -

U r !! What's wrong with u ? It's ur destiny ....it's always have been ....

How u know . She is the rightful heir . I m not . I m just a guest .

I found something . In the oldest old uzumaki hideout as u asked to sneak in.

What did u find ? Kaname's face was totally shocked...the shinobi was known best for hiding his emotions couldn't do it more ..


He totally caught the collar of the still red hair shinobi.

A picture of an masked anbu with a very beautiful woman . You have her eyes and hair . She looks a lot like u .

Kaname loosen his grip ...took a moment to be back on his usual self then calmly looked at the red haired boy ...

The red haired boy gave him a picture....a picture of a girl of 9/10 . unbelievably she looked just like him...same green eyes and same brown hair . With her short hair and casual dress up ,people might get it wrong that she is kaname ....

And there is a masked shinobi with him ..he has long hair ! Wait , his dad had long hair while as a anbu ....

Kaname's instincts are  telling him it's his mom and dad. It's it's family . His own family .

But why did his father wore a mask ? And the type of mask ..and the katana....he worked under root ....the extinct root , which was banned and destroyed after the war ....

He will find out what happened in this picture! He is not only one of the most fearful ninja , he is also known for the world's best interrogator.

Nothing can be remain as a mystery once kaname can get even a slightest of the clue ....

Kaname looked at the sky at the clouds he knew it , something important would happen in his perfect weather type day .

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