Chapter 1

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 My name is Serena Black.  I seem like your average 11th grader and I am, kinda. Ever since I was 12 years old I've been keeping a dark secret. I am telepathic, meaning I can read minds. Now I understand how that would be envisioned as the most greatest  thing ever. I'm sure it would be, if I could control it. My telepathy runs my life; I can’t tell it to stop or take a break. Still sound like an OK deal to you?  Well, imagine sitting in history class minding your own business when suddenly your 50-something male teacher's thoughts wander into your own. Not a pretty picture. Having uncontrollable telepathy is not cool, fun or great. It’s the exact opposite. I hear things I should not hear. I know things I should never of found out. Still seem cool? I didn't think so.    

"Serena!" "SERENA!!!"

Oh God what is it now,  I thought as my best friend came running toward me. Meet Amber Smith, the most loud, talkative,and helpless person I've ever met.

"Whats up?" I said bracing myself for whatever it was that was so important that Amber had practically fallen over some students to tell me.

“Party......Saturday night,"  she said breathing hard.

 "OK, great who’s......".   Then my mind with no warning started reading hers. This is what I found out:

1.     Amber's boyfriend Jason was throwing the party. 

2.     It would be at his brother’s house. 

3.     There would be alcohol.

4.     Lots of alcohol.

I got all that in half a second which is one of the good things about my ability.

" Who's throwing it?" I asked even though I knew already.

"Jason is.  Serena you have to come, bring Damien, and for God's sake get some new shoes!" 

I looked down at my shoes. I loved them; my Mom had gotten them for me before she started fighting with Dad. Oh, and Damien's my boyfriend. I was not about to let my telepathy take romance away from me. Meanwhile Amber was still talking. .

"It's gonna be at 5:00, at his brothers house. Dress sexy this is going to be bigger than Ashley's sweet 16!"

Ugh, I remember that night all too clearly. Practically the whole school was invited and my brain chose then to go all short circuited and read every mind it sensed. Talk about a headache.

"Amber, are there gonna be drinks?  Ashley's party showed the whole world that you get wasted after 2 beers." She hesitated for a second. "Nope, none of that stuff. Don't worry, Jason says it's not that kind of party."

She lied to me.  She knew perfectly well that there would be an endless supply of beer and wine coolers. Why would she do that?

"Uh, I guess I'll try to make it."  Then it happened again.

"Yes! She bought it!  This is gonna be great"!

"Thanks Serena!", said Amber.  What the hell was going on? Why would she lie to me like that? Even somebody who couldn't read minds could see past her fib. While Amber talked non-stop about what she was going to wear I thought, Should I go?

 ( keep reading and comment please! :D)

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