Chapter 2

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"Serena, watch this!",said my little brother Chris as I walked through the door. At the tender age of ten he thought he knew everything.

“Check  this out," he said as he proceeded to do a handstand on the coffee table. Thankfully he succeeded, leaving the coffee table unharmed. I walked into the kitchen and found a note stating to call for pizza. Also $20. My parents figured I was old enough to fend for myself and Chris while they were who knows where.  Speaking of that where were they?   I swear to God if Dad’s at a bar and he comes home drunk again I'm going punch his lights out.  It’s bad enough I have to deal with what will be a drinking problem for Amber; and speak of the devil my cellphone buzzes.

"Wassup Amber?” I said. What fresh new gossip could this be.

"I just wanted to say that the  party's moved to Friday ttys!"

Oh crap, I have no time to prepare. It’s tomorrow, great.....   Chris was watching Sponge bob in the family room and even though I can’t stand that show I joined him.

"Hey Chris, how’s school?", I asked.

"Fine," he said, eyes glued to whatever adventure our undersea friends were having today.  Almost to my relief I received another thought.

 "School sucks. Why do I have to deal with stupid Derick? 4th grade sucks. I wonder if she can see the bruises?"

I was so close to screaming, who's Derick??? What bruises??? But instead I asked him some more questions.

"Any bully problems?" I asked.

"Nope" he responded.  Damn he's a good liar.

"None at all?" I asked again.

"No everything is fine.”  He shifted into a different position and I saw them - the bruises.

"Chris, what the hell happened to your arm?!"

He was caught.

"I fell......" he said, not so great a liar now huh?

"Tell me the truth, who did this to you?"

I knew the answer to all these questions but that didn't matter.

"Just this kid OK, don't get into it Serena".

Why was he being so difficult? He was practically the only member of my family left that was sane. I can't let this bully ruin him. Ugh why won’t he let me help???

"BECAUSE YOU WOULD RUIN IT ALL!"  he screamed and stormed off into his room leaving me and Sponge bob alone and in shock. 

Oh shit. Chris had the ability.

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