Chapter 4

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  (format will be fixed!!!)   I have to speak with Chris now. I cant keep it off any longer  the more I wait the harder it will be."Chris?" I knocked on his door. "I never want to see you again" he said from the other side. "I'm your sister have to see me eventually" ; "No I don't!" Ugh this kid drives me crazy sometimes. But I've been a sister for six years I know what to do in this situation. "I'm ordering pizza" I said, still no answer. "We have ice cream", that was the breaking point. Ten year old boys will do just about anything for food. 

     "Chris I have a question for you' , he stayed quiet. I waited.  "Chris when did you start reading minds?"  He hesitated; "Last week". About a week that was good. Time to reveal my secret. "I can do it too; reading minds, its called telepathy". No answer. "Chris can you control your mind reading or does it work on its own"?  He  looked at me; "I don't understand". 

   How does he not understand? It's simple I thought, do you control it or does it control you. "Its not simple for me Serena, I don't understand whats happening to me". I felt sorry for him it was confusing for me too. "I know its hard but..."  Wait a second I just thought in my head that it was simple and he just said... oh no. "Serena, I can control it"

   We ended the conversation there. I went up to my room. I cant believe this, he can control it. Part of me  is jealous the other part afraid. Chris and I we don't exactly live easy lives. Our parents fight constantly and money is extremely tight. They don't pay us any attention anymore. Chris is only ten,he needs parents. I on the other hand can live a bit easier without adults looking over me every five seconds. But I still wish they were their old selves the parents that I looked up to and wanted to be. Now I've made it my life goal to be nothing like them. Chris might end up some mad depressed kid and use his new powers for evil.  It really doesn't matter how old any kid can become crazy. Even I have had thoughts of running away or killing my parents. Selfish thoughts because well what would happen to Chris if I wasn't here?

     Suddenly I hear screaming. Dads home. He doesn't sound happy. Chris runs into my room. He doesn't want to be alone while this is happening; and frankly neither do I.

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