The Concert

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    We start heading towards the bar it's only two minutes away. I look at her smiling she had such of an adorable smile. It kind of drew you in and she smiled a lot. Soon we pulled into the parking lot and went in to see the band setting up and around 15 people from high school there. I was walking in and they put black X's on our hand to notify that we were minors. "Dude I can't wait for this do you wanna go talk to the band. I was right he is super salty!"

"Ummmm me? Being the shy ugly girl that everyone hates no thanks. Yes the guy is gorgeous but he seems kinda weird don't you think?"

"Only because he's from Denver. Dude c'mon it's fine and everything you just said, that's so untrue."

 "Whatever fine let's go." She took my hand and pulled me to the band.

"Hey! I'm Jessie and this is Cortney I just wanted to meet you guys so badly."

"Hey I'm Collin and this is my band you can see. I um like to meet my fans. Did you want anything signed?"Collin said.

"No. You guys play and sing soooo good though!"

 "Well we are professionals." He giggled. I interrupted.

"Hi question why would you guys come all the way out here to play a concert for what, 35 people?" I asked not being a fan of their flirting.

  "Well we do like to connect with all of our fans if you'll excuse us we have to talk and then get the show started I'll see you two after?" Collin asked. 'Not a chance I thought'

"Sure!" She jumped and bit her lip. We walked away and started playing pinball. I overheard them talking.

"You sure man. I don't think she's a..."

"I grew up in a town like that there's always a girl like this they're all talk and show but never give it up."

"I thought you were from Brooklyn?" I walked over there with fire burning in my eyes.

"Excuse me! That's my best friend you're talking about and FYI she is a virgin so you perverts should back off!" Collin looked at me and shrugged. He stood up and smiled.

 "Hello Grilly!!" He shouted through the mic and I walked over to stand right next to Jess. Someone shouted "Greely!" As he pronounced it wrong. "You're damn right it is!" Then the band started playing their song through the trees. Jessie started jumping up and down rapidly.

"Oh my god Cortney!!!" She grabbed my hand and squeezed. She smiled at me and quickly turned back to Lone Shoulder singing.

All alone in an empty room
Nothing left but the memories of when I had my best friend
I don't know how we ended up here
I don't know but it's never been so clear
We made a mistake, dear.
And I see the broken glass in front of me
I see your shadow hanging over me
And your face, I can see...

She couldn't stop looking at them. He looked so evil. He was skinny and black he looked like a petrified tree I stood in front of and saw when I was little.

 Through the trees
I will find you;
I will heal the ruins left inside you
Coz I'm still here breathing now...
I'm still here breathing now...
I'm still here breathing now...
Until I'm set free.
Go quiet through the trees,

    I saw a flame from the curtains burst up and they were still playing. Soon it traveled to the wooden tops. Then the ribbon caught on fire, it fell on the person right beneath it.
Wow! What?! A fire! How? No but seriously, sorry for leaving that on a cliffhanger. I'll be posting a lot more hope you guys enjoy bye!!!!

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