Chapter 6

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I laid on my bed while Jasper, Monty, Miller, and Harper talked about what we're going to do next. I was tired from throwing up in a bucket the whole night resulting in very little sleep.

"I'm sick of puking," Harper voiced putting her head in her hands.

"I'm tired of being a human pincushion," Miller added. I put my head down on my pillow and closed my eyes.

"Look, I know this sucks but as long as it seems like we're cooperating, we're buying ourselves some more time," Jasper said.

"Time for what? If we're going to die in here might as well die, trying to escape," Miller said sounding annoyed.

"We've been over this, after Clarke left there is no escaping. We just have to hold on long enough for her to find a way to get us out."

I sighed and shook my head, sitting up. "What if she cant find a way, Jasper?What if she didn't make it out and it's just a story they're telling us to hide the fact that they killed her?" I asked.

"Well then no ones coming for us, and we're doing exactly what they want us to do," Monty said.

I nodded my head. "Jasper, you know you've thought it too."

"Alright, then we escape," Harper said.

"No, we find the truth."

"How do we do that?" Miller asked.

"We're criminals right, so let's be criminals." We each glanced at each other and nodded.


We all waited outside the president's office as it was empty. Monty was trying to hack into the key lock and open the door and it was taking longer than anticipated. "Today Monty," Jasper said anxiously.

"I'm going as fast as I can." I kept looking up at the camera in the hall that was pointing right at the door.

"Relax, Maya's decontaminating the surveillance room. No ones watching. We got this if we can get that door open." Jasper insured me. Finally, the doors lock turned green.

"You have little faith," Monty chuckled.

"That's my boy." Jasper smiled walking over to Monty and patting his shoulder We made our way into the office, looking around amazed at the artwork hanging on the wall. "Ari, watch the hall," Jasper told me.

"Why do I have to watch the hall?"

"Monty's good with computers and Millers a thief," He whispered.

"Why can't you watch the hall?" I asked.

"I'm the brains of the operations," Jasper said with a smirk.

"You would need a brain for that." I teased.

"Just watch the hall." I rolled my eyes and walked over to the door sighing. 

I sat outside in the hall as they did their thing, leaning against the door letting out an annoyed breath and resting my head back on the door as I looked down the long hall.

"Damn it, I'm good." I heard Monty say from the other side of the door. I tapped my foot making an echo through the hall.

Soon, they all came out of the office with a stack of papers in their hands. We quickly got back to the dorm without getting caught. Monty, Miller and I sat together and looked over the Information they got. There were tons of photos of the Ark and the chancellor.

"The Arks on the ground?" I asked surprised looking at one of the pictures. It was a photo of Octavia and Bellamy talking. A sudden weight was lifted off my shoulders knowing that they were at least safe.

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