Chapter 7

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It's been two days since Monty went missing and Jasper's completely freaking out. He hasn't slept and he keeps having Maya check the harvest chambers every three hours to see if Monty's there or not. I keep waiting to look for him, but Jasper told me to just act like nothing's wrong, but I just can't.

I'm scared that it will be Jasper or Miller who goes missing next and if they go missing, I'll go crazy. I've been trying to distract myself with school and Caleb but it's not really working. My mind keeps traveling back to the thought of all my friends being taken away.

I laid on my bed in the empty dorm, not wanting to move because of how tired I was. I had been up all night thinking about Monty and how the Ark was on the ground. I literally haven't had any sleep. Everyone else went to breakfast but I stayed behind, leaving the dorm silent.

I tried to go to sleep but I just couldn't. The door opened and someone walked into the dorm, their footsteps echoing every time they took a step. I looked up and watched as Caleb made his way over to me.

"How come you weren't at breakfasts?" He asked putting his bag on the ground and sat on edge of my bed. I sat up and pulled my knees to my chest. "What's wrong?" he asked.

I shook my head. "I can't tell you," I said, not making eye contact.

"Ari, come on, I can keep a secret," he said with a weak smile. I shook my head, feeling all the tears I've been holding back for days poking at my the back of my eyes. "Seriously, what's wrong, Ari?"

I sighed before looking up at him, his green eyes were filled with concern. "I can't tell you."

"Ari you're scaring me," he admitted, moving closer to me. I let a tear slide down my face as I hugged my knees tighter. Caleb quickly sat beside me and put his arm around my shoulders holding me tight. "It's okay Ar, it's going to be okay," he ensured, rubbing my arm. I shook my head and barred my face in his chest and just let it all out.

He held me tight, not asking any more questions, not telling me it's all going to be okay, he just held me quietly rubbing my arm.

After a little while of just laying in silence, I had stopped crying and I was finally starting to drift off when he interrupted the peaceful silence. "You want to just skip school today?" I looked up at him and sighed.

"We can't we have our Math test today remember," I said, whipping my tear stained cheeks.

"Yeah, but we can always make it up tomorrow, it's really not a big deal."

I shook my head. "No, we should go," I said sitting up.

"You sure?" He asked. I nodded my head and grabbed a blue shirt and jeans from my bag.

I quickly got changed in the changing room and walked out, putting my shoes on and grabbed my books from Caleb's hands. "You sure you want to go to school today, we can just skip. I mean what are they going to do." I smiled and nodded, and lacing mine and Caleb's fingers together as we walked out of the room.

"So you never gave me a straight answer yesterday," Caleb said smirking down at me. I chuckled and held his hand tighter as we walked down the hall to the classroom.

When we entered everyone looked at us, noticing our locked hands. I felt my cheeks heat up and I turned to Caleb as he smiled. We sat in our normal seats in the front and waited for Mrs.Grain to pass out the tests.

During the test, I couldn't concentrate at all. I just kept thinking about Monty and Harper and what could happen with them, and because I hadn't sleep or ate in hours, I had a pounding headache.

When I noticed people starting to pass their test in I realized I had to hurry up and finish. I learned all this stuff about two years ago so it was easy for me to do.

I finished and past my test in. "Alright, you all finished your tests, you may go to lunch," Mrs.grain said opening the door.

I walked over to Caleb as we left the class, he held my handheld as we walked out and he smiled down at me. We made our way down the familiar hall that was lined with classrooms.

I looked straight ahead of us and saw Maya walking beside a guard. I smiled as Caleb and I went up to her. "Hey Maya, you're coming by the dorm later right?" I asked, making conversation. Meanwhile, the guard she was with kept looking over his shoulder and at the ground, acting really suspicious and trying to hide his face.

She nodded her head. "Uh Yeah, Ari, I'll be there after lunch," she said and I could tell she was faking a smile. The guard suddenly looked up at the mention of my name and that's when I noticed it wasn't just any guard, it was Bellamy.

My heart skipped a beat and I took in a deep breath. He looked different from the last time I saw him. His hair was longer and darker and he had a black eye and a cut on his lip. I wanted to hug him, feeling relieved that he was okay, but when I looked at Maya she shook her head.

"Hey man, what'd you do to your eyes?" Caleb asked. Bellamy opened his mouth to speak but said nothing, only looking to Maya not knowing what to say.

"I think Jaspers looking for you," Maya said changing the subject. I nodded, still looking at Bellamy shocked. He looked down at mine and Caleb's interlocked hands and I tensed up, nodded my head again.

"Yeah, come on Caleb, we should stop by the dorm before we go to the dining hall," I said pulling his arm.

"What was that about?" he asked when he knew they couldn't hear us anymore. I shrugged and started to walk faster.

Once we got to the dorm I quickly put my bag on my bed and walked over to the group as everyone gathered around Jasper and Monty. I let go of Caleb's hand instantly ran to hug Monty. He put his arms around me and held me tight lifting me up in the air. "You're okay." I let out a sigh of relief as we pulled away.

"Listen up," Jasper order, "There's going to be questions, but there's no time to explain. We're getting out of here. So pack your stuff."

"Wait, they're letting us go?" I asked.

"Yes, but we have to go right now before they change their minds."

"Jasper, what the hell is going on?" Fox asked. I looked over my shoulder at Caleb and he looked so confused and out of place. I grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the group.

"Mont Weather lied to us the whole time about everything. The Ark is on the ground, and we're not safe here. Now do what he says," Monty explained to us.

Everyone obliged and went to their beds, no questions asked and began packing their bags. I walked over to Jasper as he talked to Monty and grabbed his arm. "Jasper, Bellamy's here," I whispered.

He looked down at me confused. "What do you mean?"

"He's with Maya right now. He's dressed as a guard. I don't know why or how."

"Okay we'll find out later now go pack your things," Jasper told me and sent a glare Caleb's way. "What's he doing here?" I rolled my eyes and grabbed Caleb's arm bringing him over to my bed.

"You should leave," I told him and grabbed my bag.

"No way. I want to go with you guys."

I shook my head. "No."

"Ari, did you forget I can survive out there," he argued.

"That's not what I'm worried about. You still have your mom and little sister here. I'm sure your mother would feel horrible if you leave," I explained to him, packing my clothes.

"But I don't want to live underground anymore. I want to be on the ground." I looked up at Caleb and thought for a moment.

"Ok Fine. If you really want to come, go pack your thing and come back here, but you have to hurry." Caleb's face light up and he went to leave the dorm but an alarm began going off, making the doors automatically shut locking us in.

Jasper screamed and ran over to the door and banging on it.

End of chapter 7. So these next few chapters are going to be a bit short. Anyways I have no idea how to end this authors note. So bye.

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