Chapter 13

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In honor of season three coming out, I have made a bonus chapter! It will be in the time period of season three. I hope you like it.


I sat in the tree waiting for the perfect moment to pounce. I had my bag on my back and my knife in the lace of my boot, like old times. I spot him walking below me looking around confused. I jump down onto his back, tackling him to the ground.

"Tag you're it," I mocked lying on Caleb's back.

"You know," I groaned pushing me off his back,  "you could let me win just once," he whined getting up.

"Not gonna happen," I smiled, "But if you want to win you're gonna have to catch me." I joked and took off running in the way of the camp. He groaned and ran after me.

After a running for a bit, the clearing for  Arkadia was now in sight and I didn't have time to go around through the woods to hole in the fence we made so we didn't get in trouble for leaving camp, like usual, so I kept running for the front gate.

I could hear Caleb catching up behind me. I tried to lean forward to pick up speed. My feet slammed against the hard ground as I ran up the path. The gate opened and on the other side was one very angry guard.

"You know you kids aren't supposed to be out there without supervision," she scolded as I jogged past her, slowing down.

"Sorry Rosemary, it's probably going to happen again maybe tomorrow but hey gotta run. If you could not tell Bellamy about this, that'd be great." I yelled running in the direction of the safe spot me and Caleb made up, but I was stopped as a rover pulled up in front of me blocking my path.

"Don't tell Bellamy what?" He asked looking out the window next to Raven who was sat the driver seat.

"Um nothing, but if you'll excuse me-"

"You're it!" Caleb exclaimed, tapping my shoulder and running past me.

"Damn it," I groaned at the fact that I had probably lost my winning streak.

"What the hell are you doing?" Raven asked looking at the reflection of the mirror and watching Caleb already so far ahead.

"I'm now currently getting my ass beat at tag. Thanks," I said sarcastically, crossing my arms and looking at Bellamy.

"Ari you know you're not supposed to be outside the gate," he scolded. I sighed nodding my head looking down at the gun in his hand.

"Sorry Bell, but it gets boring just staying behind the fence," I explained.

"It's not safe."

"You're joking right?" I scoffed, "The grounders aren't trying to kill us anymore and you guys come back fine after every run. There's no danger."

"How do you even get out without anyone seeing you?" He asked.

"I have my ways."

"I told you, you needed to fix the hole in the fence." I heard Monty yell from the back of the rover, making the rest chuckle.

"Can I go back to my game now?" I asked. Bellamy nodded with a sigh. "Thanks, and can you please stop treating me like a little kid now?"

"Alright sure," Bellamy said with a smile, shaking his head.

"Good, now I have to find Caleb so I can kick his ass at tag." Bellamy and Raven chuckled and drove away in the rover.

That's it. I'm making the third book now I just need a good name for it. I'm think Prisoner 138 in Arkadia. Maybe I don't know yet.

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