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Anessa's pov.
"Can I come in,and I'll explain" cody said desperately "umm-" I started debating weather or not I should let him in "look cody I don't know like yes I want to help but it's- it's just a lot happened today an I'm tired.."I said getting cut off "look please I'm in trouble please." He said now looking scared,I sighed thinking about it "please.." He said once more "ok" I said giving in opening the door wider for him to come in "hey can I put my car in your garage?" He said nervously rubbing the back of his neck "sure..I'll put it in" I said confused on why he wanted to park it inside my garage "ok thanks" he said looking unsure,he gave me the keys an I parked it in my garage.

When I got in the house he had his head in his hands an kept mumbling 'what am I gonna do' and 'fucking shit I can't go back to jail.' Jail.. What did he do how much trouble is he in. Ugh I really know how to pick them like I know we're not together but still I like him an now I can't. I've bailed Jay out of jail I don't know how many times I'm not doing this. Again.. I will help him but I can't like him. As I walked closer making my self known that I'm in the room but he was so into his thoughts,he kept mumbling running his hands through his hair an down his face looking frustrated with himself. "Hey cody I put your car into the garage so- can you tell me what's going on now?" I asked sitting on the coffee table in front of him as he finally looked up with fear in his eyes.God cody what the hell did you do.

He looked at me an started to speak "umm.. Well. It's just- well when I got home. Like what happened is." He said trying to find the words"cody spit it out" I said "it's n-not that easy anessa it's just I-i can't.. Like what-" he got cut off "Cody stop Fu-u-u-ucking stuttering I know you might go to jail. Now tell me why what the hell happened?!?!" I snapped at him losing all of my patience with this boy. His eyes got wide like a deer in head lights "y-you heard that" he said "y-yes" I said mocking him "now stop stuttering an tell me what the fuck you did" I said getting aggravated. "Calm the fuck down ok a lot happened an I just don't know how to say it" he said raising his voice "well you better hurry up an figure it out I'm tired as shit an I can't go to sleep knowing you might go to jail" I said finally breathing heavily from all this yelling. Cody looked down at his hands an sighing closing his eyes shut an when he opened them back up he was looking at me an took a second till he spoke

"Today wasn't the best"he said.way to state the obvious."it started when I needed my car it wasn't my dad that made me late me dad left when I was little. But my moms boyfriend came over an he was being an ass an I started fighting with my mom telling her to stop seeing him but she refused an by the time we stopped fighting I realized what time it was." He said an took a deep breath before he spoke again "when I left your house after everything happened with the party and Jake... I was pissed off an when I got home I told my moms boyfriend to leave an he threw a glass an then said my mom was worthless and one thing led to another I beat him up almost unconscious. I- i couldn't take it any more my mom doesn't deserve that but she called the cops an said I'm a disgrace an said I'm the reason my dad left an I just.. I just didn't know where to go an I get it if you don't want me here an-" "you're staying" I cut him off  "w-what?" He said surprised at what I just said "stop stuttering or I'll change my mind" I said laughing a little trying to lighten the mood an he laughed to "what about your parents or siblings will they be ok that I'm gonna be here" mom left brother died and dad is a drunk that is almost never home. "They are on a trip don't worry."

"there's an extra bed in my room" I said he nodded an followed me upstairs I gave him an extra blanket to get settled. "Is this your brother" cody asked looking at the pictures on the other side of the room (they shared the same room) "yea.." I said giving him a weak smile "are you ok" cody asked picking up on my weak smile "yea- yes I'm fine" I lied trying to avoid eye contact not wanting to burst out into tears an having to explain why "your lying tell me what's wrong" he asked being concerned "can we talk about it tomorrow I'm really tired" I said with my eyes getting blurry, he opened up his mouth to say something but I stopped him "please.." I asked with a single tear running down my cheek. Cody sighed looking at me sympathetically "tomorrow ok.?" He said more of a statement than a question "ok"I nodded then crawled into my bed "goodnight Anessa" he said as I smiled to myself an drifting off into a deep sleep.

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