More problems

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Cody's pov.
"Fuck" I yelled before punching the steering wheel of the car once again. I fucked up. This is all my fault. I should've just drove her home.
Were all the things running through my head. It's been an hour since I dropped her off at her house an im in the driveway in my house wondering what I should do I want to talk to her but I bet she's tired I'll have to just go tomorrow. When I finally decided I should go inside I saw my mom drunk on the couch.again.. An her boyfriend at the moment watching tv going through our fridge like he owns the place. I slammed the door just enough so he could hear me "what do u want" he snapped "nothing I just thought I'd let you know I'm hear so you can leave,my mom doesn't need you" I said with a smile on my face but it was soon wiped off when he threw a glass at me shattering on the wall behind me causing me to flinch from the glass going everywhere. "Ok I'll leave mommy's boy" he said getting up with a grin on his face "oh shut up" I said glaring at him "AYE! Don't tell me to shut up or I'll.." "Or you'll what? You just got out of jail a few months ago you really wanna go back asshole" I said with a smirk "whatever" he said walking out the door "oh but tell your mother that we are through an if she asks why say it was because she's worthless an no one could ever love her" he said which made lose my temper "AYE!" I yelled as I lunged at him "hey!! Get off little boy I don't want to kill you" he threatened but it didn't work. I started to punch him an at this point he started to fight back we were both going at each other till he finally gave up "aye stop dude come on stop im sorry I-" I cut him off "shut up!!" I said as I kept punching him"stop C-cody P-please.. Stop" I heard a voice say cracking with every word "no he said you were worthless he treats you like nothing an I won't tolerate it I can't" I said as I realized it was my mom "hello..? Yes my. My son he's hurting my boyfriend. We live on
(some random street an address) ok thank you.." My mom said "mom what did you do" I asked her even though I knew what she did "I called the cops you needed to calm down an if you won't listen to me you'll listen to the cops" she said with tears running down her face "mom.." "No stop you hurt him an said he didn't want me. Why.. Why don't you want me happy you always drive away the guys in my life even your father." She said with the tears on her face starting to dry up an her eyes filled with more hate than sadness "mom please look your drunk your not thinking you.." She cut me off "Well I'm drunk because of you your the reason I throw myself at any guy I can get.. Because of you your father left because he loved me but he hated you he didn't want you that's why he left its your fault it's always your fault" she finally said *police sirens* "if I can't control a temper tantrum disgrace like you than maybe the cops can" she said running to her boyfriend I don't even no the name of that I had practically beat unconscious . "Good bye mom" I said getting inside the car driving to anessa's hoping she would let me stay at her place.I got to her house an knocked on the door it was almost 5am so I wouldn't be surprised if she was sound asleep especially with everything that happened... The sound of the door opening pulled me away from my thoughts "I'm sorry about everything an I know you hate me but can I please stay its a long story bu-" she cut me off "Oh my god cody what happened are you ok your face is bruised up and your bleeding" she said with worry washing over her "can I come in an ill explain" I said despretly waiting for an answer.

Kind of a cliff hanger if Anessa will let him in her house👀but I haven't updated so sorry if this isn't the best chapter 😁 && I want to put an actual character for anessa so if you have any ideas of who should be anessa please comment well hope you like the story so far 😊❤️

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