Chapter 7

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Jackson's POV:

I was just walking around some neighborhood to cool down from what happened with Anya. I checked my phone to see what time it was, and it showed 7:45. Crap. I walked around this neighborhood for three hours.

I saw Anya and her other two friends walking. Just staring at her made me feel like a stalker. When Anya turned her head to the left and saw me, she looked at me for a second, then turned back to her friends as if she didn't see anything. I felt a little hurt.

When I couldn't see Anya and her friends anymore, I started walking to my house.

Anya's POV:

After getting permission from Luci's and Allison's parents to sleep over at my apartment and getting spare clothes, we walked to my apartment.

"Emily, I'm home!" I said when I opened the door.

"My baby sister!" Emily yelled as she ran to hug me.

I hugged her back. Emily pulled away from the hug and went to hug Luci and Allison.

"Is it okay if Luci and Allison sleep over tonight?" I asked.

"Fine, just don't mess up your room again," she said.

 "Don't worry Emily, I won't let that happen," Allison said.

When I entered my room, I fixed it up a bit because it was a little messy. When the room looked fine, I let my friends in my room.

"Your room is still girly as ever, Anya," Luci said.

"Not as girly as mine!" Allison said.


Me and Luci were on my bed, while Allison was sitting on my bean bag chair. We were in our pjs, eating a bowl of popcorn and drinking Hawaiin Punch, while watching Mean Girls. We started laughing our asses off when Karen tried to bump the volleyball, but it ended up hitting her boobs.

"Aow, my belly," I said

Luci reenacted the scene, and we laughed even harder.

It was 10 something when the movie ended. We were bored, but we didn't want to sleep yet.

"So what are we gonna do now?" Luci said.

"I know!" 'Mommy' said.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked.

Allison had a devious smile on her face and asked, "So who do you like Luci?"

"What?! I don't like anyone!" Luci said.

"Don't lie Luci," Allison said.

"Is it Zack?" I asked.

"Is it Nate?" Allison asked.


Me and 'Mommy' gasped. "It's Alex!"

Luci grabbed my pillow, put her face in my pillow and whined. She was embarassed with us knowing her crush on my 'brother'.

"It's okay little Luci," 'Mommy' said.

"So who do you like Allison?" Luci asked.

"I don't like anyone. You could get the twins to look into my eyes, and they would find no lie," Allison said.

"Oh crap you're serious," me and Luci said with wide eyes.

"So daughter, who do you like?" 'Mommy' asked.

I hesitated. I thought about how they would react if I told them about my crush on Jackson. Would they get mad at me? Would they hate me?

"Come on little Anya, tell us who you like!" Luci said.

"Are you sure you wanna know?"

"Yes, yes we do," 'Mommy' said.

"I...I-I like.........."

"Hurry Little Anya."

"I like......"


"I like Jackson," I said with an embarassed face.

What I said, left 'Mommy' and Luci with eyes wide and mouths dropped open. Oh no. What are they thinking?

They had the same face for almost 5 minutes until Luci said, "I knew it."

Wait. What? "What?" I asked with a confused look.

"Sweet, I'm not the only one who knows. So this is your first crush, little Anya?" 'Mommy' said.

"You're not mad?" My eyes were getting watery, I had tears, threatening to come out. 

"We're not mad, we're just shocked you would say it. And yes Allison, this is her first crush. I've known her since we were babies. She told me everything back then, and she tells me everything even now. It's okay, Anya. Having your first crush is confusing, I know that." Luci hugged me. "Your stomach drops, your throat gets dry, these crazy thoughts pop up in your mind, and your hands start sweating."

I understood what Luci said. My stomach dropping, my throat getting dry, these crazy thought running through my head, and my hands sweating, that's my heart telling me that I really like Jackson. And that told me that Luci experienced the same things because of her crush with my 'brother' Alex.

The tears that were threatening to come out, spilled fromy my eyes and streaked down my cheeks. Luci and Allison hugged me hard to calm me down.

"Tell you what. When we wake up and we're done eating breakfast, we'll pick something from your closet for you to wear for school. How does that sound?" 'Mommy' said.

"That sounds nice," I said with a smile.

We started sleeping, with the three of us fitting in my bed. I told my 'mom' and my best friend. I wonder what's gonna happen when I tell the rest of the group.

Jackson's POV:

I can't sleep. Dammit. 12:37.  I only slept for an hour until I had that dream.

I'm walking through the school. There's no one in the school. No students, no teachers, nothing. Just lockers.

Then I somehow end up in this meadow. I see someone with curly long-waisted light brown hair, a strapless floral dress, light skin, and red flats. The girl's back was in front of me. I called out to the girl, and she turned around. My eyes grew wide when I realized who the girl was.

It was Anya. She didn't have her glasses on and wasn't wearing a long-sleeved shirt with light blue jeans and dirty Converse. No, this Anya was transformed into a more beautiful girl. She looked like an angel.

I tried to run to her, but it felt like my feet were glued to the ground. Then I heard sobbing. I brought my head up and saw Anya crying, with rivers of tears streaming down her beautiful face. "Why? Why would you do that to me?" she asked. When I tried to speak, no sound came out. I tried screaming, but nothing came out again. Anya started fading away. Before she completely faded, she said, "I hate you."

Then everything turned pitch black, and when I tried to scream, sound finally came out.

I woke up after that. I came to a decision. I WILL stop harassing Anya. I don't want to see her cry like she did in my dream, I want to see her smile. And I will do everything I can to see that beautiful smile.

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