Ivy tower chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The car trip to Carmen's was awkward to say the least. Rod had made ivy sit up front with him and Amelia in back with Ryan but ivy noticed Amelia didn't seem to mind one bit.

Ivy had never been that into cars but she couldn't help notice Rods c63 Mercedes and how super nice and oh so comfortable it was.

"so is this your car Rod?" Ivy managed to get out of her nervous mouth.

" yep it sure is but I worked hard to get it, no silver spoon in my mouth".

"sooo um? Um what do you do for work then?" ivy questioned

"I work in sales at my dads advertising company".

Ivy laughed to herself .

While Rod didn't think he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth Ivy believed he still probably was born with it in his hand.

"your dads advertising company? Nice sounds great, fun" ivy says as she looks out the window rolling her eyes.

The car was most likely paid for through the company ivy thought.

"yeah it is fun I get to meet heaps of new people, travel around and stuff but I have heaps of responsibilities my dad expects a lot from me, but that's cool I can handle it. You should come in one time I could show you around, what I do there and my office it's super cool I have the best view of cause that's because I deserve it I work really hard, if it wasn't for me my dad wouldn't be making as much as he is, I could sell ice to an Eskimo, I'm not really sure with its my good looks or charms that get me all the sales"

Ivy felt like she opened a flood gate cause the rest of the trip Rod talked about himself, not once did he ask her about herself. well at least she didn't think he did at one stage she switched off and she wasn't sure for how long it was.

This time it was Rod and Ryan who knew the door man of the club allowing the entre straight away. The boys lead the girls to the VIP area and ordered three bottles of the most expensive champagne on the menu. Before she knew it she was laughing, drinking and relaxed around the boys. Ivy and Amelia agreed they could really get used to this treatment.

Ivy liked Carmen's way better than sublime it was much more classier with nicer people, better music and more space or maybe that was just because she was in the VIP area.

" I love this booth you get the best view of down stairs" Rod says as he fills up Ivy's glass

"looking down at all the commen people gives me a sense of being more important then " he laughs. Catching Ivy roll her eyes he immediately adds that he is joking but Ivy highly doubts that.

But before Ivy could respond Amelia was pulling her to her feet to dance with her ivy gladly obliged taking any opportunity to get away from Rod.

Ivy and Amelia danced for three straight songs first Amelia's favorite song was playing than a song they both loved before Ivy's favorite song came on. Amelia couldn't believe what she was seeing her reserved quiet Ivy was letting loss and having fun for once. It made her smile pulling Ivy in for a friendly cuddle she kissed her on the cheek.

"let's get another drink" Amelia said before pulling ivy back to their booth.

The girls didn't need to even ask as they approached Rod and Ryan they had glasses full with champagne already in hand to give to them. The girls took the drinks finishing them in seconds all that dancing made them both thirsty but almost like magic the glasses where full again.

Ivy had to remind herself to slow down she didn't want a repeat of the night before she wanted to remember everything. No breaking any rules tonight she couldn't stand going through another awkward moment like today when the boys turned up at Amelia's house surprising them.

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