Ivy tower ch 5

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Chapter 5

As Rod walked Ivy to her front door an unsettling sadness rested in the pit of her stomach. She had finally admitted to herself she had feelings for Rod and she knew she would miss him.

Ivy thought her mother was damn rude requesting her to come home immediately. Especially since she was the one that agreed to her staying with Amelia for the first three weeks of the holidays. Ivy had protested but her mother insisted it was a urgent family matter and she could return to Amelia's straight after.

"sweet pea please stop sulking it doesn't look good on you besides she did say you could return later" Rod laughed.

"I know but we were having so much fun and my mother is so annoying"

Ivy found her entire family annoying she alway felt like the black sheep. Like she didn't belong. Ivy sometimes fantasied about being adopted.

Rod pulled ivy in for a slow tender kiss that caused her heart to race. Ivy could feel the tingles spread but before it could go any further she pulled away worried she might get caught by her mother or father.

"call me as soon as your done, I'll come back and pick you up" rod says slapping her butt before turn back towards his car.

"hey" ivy called after him.

"yea sweet pea?"

"I like you and all but if you slap my butt one more time you will know about it" ivy said feeling very annoyed she hated the way he slapped her it felt like her was stacking his territory or trying to dominate her, show her he was boss and it peeved the hell out of her.

Rod smirked "so you keeping saying" know all to well she wouldn't remember the last time they had the same conversation cause she was drunk.

Ivy turned to face her front door preparing herself.

"ivy, the sun and the moon children, ivy the sun and the moon children"

Ivy quickly turned back half expecting to see Rod but knew all to well that she wouldn't. She had heard this voice before, the voices had been saying the same thing for the last year or so. This wasn't the only voice she heard some times it was a girls voice but that one didn't say the same thing over and over. When she first started to her the voices it scared her, now she just tries to pretends she doesn't hear them.

Ivy walked in the front door she could hear a number of people in the family room which was set at the back of the first floor. As ivy got closer she could hear her mother saying " I don't want her going, you have known this all along and yet here you are". Ivy wondered what they where talking about.

"now is your time" whispered the voice but this time it sent chills down her spine. She wondered if it happened when someone else was around would they hear it too? Or was she just going crazy.

Ivy pushed the door open to a room full of adults, most of whom she had never seen before. Everyone immediately stopped talking, turned starring at ivy making her feel embarrassed.

Ivy's mother Irina rushed to her side pulling her into the room closing the door behind them.

"ivy this is um.... Err... The council of WK college" Irina said nervously

Confused and in shock ivy couldn't stop the millions of thoughts that swamped her mind. She wondered where her father, sister and brother were, who were these people, why where they here but most importantly what did it have to do with her.

"mother I don't understand what's going on here? Where's dad, brandy and Luke" ivy asked feeling very confused.

"dear the council are here to meet you, you've been selected to attend WK college this is an honor, you should be happy"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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