Ivy tower chapter 4

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Chapter 4

As they pull up to their destination Ivy and Amelia couldn't help letting out a little laugh. Neither of them had been to the zoo since they were children. But they couldn't help feel kind of amused by the idea and how sure the guys seemed earlier that they would love it.

"before you say anything just give it a chance we promise you will enjoy it" smiles Ryan as he gets out of the car to go around and open Amelia's door. He was proving to be a real gentleman, kind and sweet. Just what Amelia needs in her life.

The city zoo had been open for almost 100 years it was a beautiful place. Despite the girls initial thoughts the day was turning out to be a great one all the magnificent animals they were getting to see was making it well worth it. And who wouldn't love the grand old building and the magnificent view of the harbour made everything all the more magical.

"look, look, MONKEYS" Amelia squeals pulling Ryan at full speed towards the monkey enclosure.

Ryan just laughs loving her childish happiness. Ivy adored the way Ryan looked at Amelia but even more than that she loved how he was treating her. Boys normally fell over themselves trying to impress Amelia but this went beyond that ivy could tell they were falling hard for each other.

"Amelia wait for us" Ivy calls after her.

" for god sakes woman you're running around so fast we don't even get a chance to have a proper look at the animals" Rod adds clearly finding the whole thing just as funny as Ivy and Ryan.

Ivy couldn't remember the last time she had so much fun. Come to think of it the last few days had been a whole lot of fun thanks to the boys. Ivy couldn't wipe the smile off her face and for that fact neither could anyone else. The sight of Amelia so happy made her sigh.

" what's wrong" Rod asked as he pulls her in under his arm for a hug.

"what do you mean? Nothings wrong I'm enjoying myself if you must know" she teasers

"good to know its just, you sighed that's all" rod says with obvious concern in his voice.

"oh" she giggles " it was a happy sigh, nothing to worry about?"

"so I make you happy" he asks poking her in a playful way.

"well kind of" ivy says knowing that was only half the reason she was happy the other half was seeing her best friend being happy also.

"I think it's time for a coffee and toilet break" Ryan announces.

All in agreement ivy pulls out her map to find the closes cafe and toilet. By the time she looks up from the map everyone was already walking in the right direction.

"hey wait up you guys" she yell.

The three just laugh nudge each other and walk a little faster making it take ivy a little long catch up to them.

"hey why didn't you guys wait and what's so funny" she puffs finally catching up to them.

"sweet pea no offense but your starting to drive us crazy with that map, you have been at it all day, planning out every stop we make you need to just relax and roll with it" Rod says pulling her in for a kissing hoping that will soften what he just said.

Ivy couldn't help but feel offended, she couldn't help the fact that she like to be prepared and organized. she liked to know we're she was heading not only in everyday things but in life in general.

Ivy had her whole life planned out she wanted to own her very own beauty salon. She was off next year to college to do her diploma in business and beauty therapy. She knew it would be hard leaving Amelia behind but that was the very reason they had such a wild summer break planned.

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