Ivy tower chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Ivy and Amelia walked down the street they could hear Rod and Ryan laughing, joking behind them.

Ivy and Amelia smiled at each other feeling content from the sound of the boys happy.

The streets where so alive for the early morning. People everywhere, laughing and having fun. Everyone was so friendly greeting each other as they passed by.

"hello lovely ladies" one handsome guy said stopping just for a minute to admire the girls in there short dresses.

The girls giggle continuing on without a word.

Suddenly the girls where stopped dead in there tracks by a horrible cracking sound. Turning around the girls where shocked to see the boys had the passer by on the floor kicking and hitting him they where screaming there was blood everywhere other passer bys watching, yelling at them to stop but they didn't.

The girls sat in the car shaking scared of what had happened no one spoke the whole trip back to Amelia's house. Amelia cried quietly Ryan cuddled her soothing her and whispering "I'm sorry babe, I'm sorry you seen that, I'm so sorry, please forgive me" over and over in her ear.

Rod on the other hand occasionally looked at Ivy with such a menacing hateful look that it scared the life out of her especially after what she had just seen. He offered her no comfort or explanation for what had just occurred.

Once they pulled up out the front of Amelia's Ivy went to get out of the car hoping for a minutes freedom from Rod to pull herself together before they went inside.

But before she could get out of the car he grabbed her arm and softly growled "stay".

"we will meet you guys in side" Rod sweetly says to Ryan and Amelia.

Without a second thought they exit the car closing the door behind them. Ivy watched out the window not wanting too look at Rod. She watches Ryan immediately pull Amelia into his arms kissing her as they walk he picks her up in his arm carrying her bridal style. Stopping momentaraly to plant kisses all over her face until she finally gives him a small smile.

Without any warning Rod slaps Ivy so hard across the face she couldn't move.

"that guy could of die tonight and it was all your fault" Rod growls

"uh what, who do you think you are." ivy says placing her hand over her red hot cheek.

He slaps her again and than once more to ensure she knows not to speak back this time.

Ivy could feel the wetness roll down her cheeks she couldn't stop them despite wanting too.

"I didn't give a fuck for your crying you pull that shit again and you will get the same got it." he yells. Ivy could believe what was happening she couldn't understand how any of this was her fault. Or who this guy she had only just meet thought he was.

"now come here kiss me Sweet pea"

Ivy was learning better than to go against Rod. she lend in to kiss him as he demanded closing her eye tight not wanting to look him in those cold eyes. she suddenly felt something fury brush against her face than something scratched her she flung opened her eyes to see a fox in Place of Rod.


"ivy, ivy wake up" Amelia said shaking her.

Ivy gasped for air realizing it was just a dream.

"babe what's wrong? What did you dream?" Amelia asked with concern in her voice.

"it's alright, I'm alright go back to sleep I will tell you in the morning " ivy whispered shutting her eyes tightly trying to removing the scary weird image from her mind.

Ivy couldn't go back to sleep she keep playing the dream over and over in her head.

What did it mean why did she dream of Rod hurting her, maybe it was connected to the weird comment he had made at the club that shocked her to have the dream. But it still didn't explain why Rod turned in to a fox. Once Ivy's brain started to hurt she Finally switched off and fell back to sleep.

Ivy and Amelia woke up at the same time to the smell of pancakes with syrup. Lifting their heads to find Rod and Ryan sit at the table eating. Once they notice the girls awake they both start smiling sheepishly. Amelia jumps up and runs for the bathroom obviously wanting to fix herself up before seeing Ryan.

" good god boys don't you know how to knock." ivy yells

" FYI I'm still sleeping here, you boys are so rude, good we have one drink with you two nights ago and now we can't get rid of you" she moans pulling her head out from under the covers.

Jumping back in shock from rods sudden apperence next to her she screams

" what the hell sweet pea" laughs Rod

" what happen to my little sweet pea from last night, your just delightful in the morning" he continues to laugh.

Ivy wasn't quiet sure if it was the surprise that scared her or whether it was nerves left from her dream the night before. Either way she was beginning to feel these boys were more trouble than they where worth. And she was getting a sinking feeling they weren't ever going to get rid of them.

Next minute Amelia comes springing out of the bathroom looking like a million dollars. She spring straight into Ryan's lap laying a big kiss on him right before shoveling some food into her mouth.

"slow down babe girl your going to eat your fingers, and I actually thought you were excited to see me not the food" Ryan laughs.

"oh babe it's more you than the food but a girl needs to eat"

Ivy was amazed she still couldn't get over her love sick friend.

"right sweet pea your turn"

"my turn hey what are you doing" ivy whines

"sorry sweet pea but your up to get beautiful, shower now we have an awesome afternoon planned for you two" he says while carrying ivy towards the bathroom.

Ivy couldn't be bothered to fight she let Rod carry her to the bathroom he sat her on the vanity and ran the hot water in the shower. She couldn't help but kind of think he was sweet in some way. Rod walked back to Ivy sliding himself between her leg pulling her in for a kiss but before his lips reached hers she pulled away suddenly feeling a little modest remembering she was only in her shirt and a pair of Lacey underwear.

"sorry morning breath" ivy says feeling its half truth.

"I don't care" and before ivy could disagree his lips where on hers. Unlike last night he kissed her fiercely like it would be the last they would ever have. He slid his hands along her bare thighs sending chills throughout her body. She kissed him back not fighting the feeling any longer she curled her fingers in the back of his hair pulling him in closer kissing him back with equal fierceness. Rods hands glided from her thighs around to her butt sliding her right against his hardness in response her legs tightened around his waist.

Pulling away all to soon Ivy mones quietly.

"boy its getting hot in here I think it's the hot water that we have left running, don't you?" he laughs picking her up off the bench and putting her down facing the shower. With a quick slap on the ass he leave closing the door behind him. Ivy turns the cold water on hard needing to cool down a bit. She was feeling hot and bothered. Bothered for a few reasons one she was bothered that this boy was starting to get under her skin, two bothered cause the ass slapping was getting irritating but thirdly bothered cause of the state he had just left her in.

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