Hold your breath!!!

6 0 0

Go under water for ten minutes

Jenika: "Ooooooh scuba diving!!!"

Autumn: "So where's our scuba gear?"

Audrea: "Hey g- guys" :'(

Angie: "Woah, woah, woah, who's dead?"

Audrea: "Our flight to Canada is made early, tomorrow to say it"

All exept Audrea: "WHAT?! NOOOO!!!!"

FC: "Aww that sucks and since it's a family dicision I can't write you back here" >:-|

Autumn: "Well let's make this dare as our farewell"

FC: "Oh by the way no one's using any scuba diving suits or gadgets"

Everyone exept FC: D-8

FC: "We are going to make this a contest, first one out has to do the next dare alone, the winner will have one object she likes most and if the winner lasts for 10 or more minutes I'll triple the prize"

FC's friend: "So all of you gals put your names here and what you want" *disappears after giving paper and pen to Angie*

Winning wish list:

1. Angie- books
2. Audrea- plane relaxation supply/supplies
3. Autumn- no more bad dare/s
4. Jenika- 4 kinds of chocolate and many caaaaaaaandyyyy!!!

Autumn: "Oh Jenika might be sad she isn't sporty" [~_~]

Jenika: *whispers* "No I will try and win!" >:) >:×

FC: "Ready... Set... Go!!!!"

Audrea: "Autumn for saying that you'll have to try and twerk under water until ya lose"

Autumn: "Nooooooo, my angelic and innocent butt will be destroyed!!!"

Jenika: "So it is an angel? Does it have wings? Can I see it?"

Autumn: "Just. Forget. It."  0////0

FC: "Start your engines and maybe butt.... Go!!!"

Everyone exept FC: *Sinks under water*

Autumn: *Starts trying to twerk and fails many times*

Angie: *Sees Autumn's attempts and lauged under water fails in holding her breath and rises from water but water comes out of her nose cquse of laughing too much*

Sadness: "Oh thats sad, d- does it hurt you? I bet it does."

FC: "Sadness you can talk? But your from my head."

Sadness: "Oh I'm sorry" *goes away*

Autumn: *Comes out of water because she was too tired*

Andrea: *Got excited and rises from water* "Did I win? Did I win?"

FC: "No Jenika did."

Jenika: *Rises after 1/2 minute* "Yaaaa in yo face Fall."

FC: "Here is your prize, and here iis your dare" *Gives Jenika choco and Angie a dare.*

Angie: "No no no no!!!!" *runs away leaving dare*

Hi it's me I am so so sorry my book sucks and to say the one I named Audrea after went away since Sep. 12 , 2015 :'(. BTW I have a story through the door check it out to know about the characters so uh see ya soon dudes love ya all

            The writer of this sucky book

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