Lady Zianna

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~Time skip from where we left off~

Aphmau's POV
Man, I'm stuffed.. *yawns* and sleepy.. I'm going to bed now..
I changed into my sleeping wear and went to bed. I quickly drifted to sleep.

~Time skip... again..~

I woke up bright and early. I got decent and went towards the door. Just then when I was about to open the door, I heard a knock. I opened it.. It's was Garroth "G-Goodmorning, Aphmau.. Um... oh yeah.. Breakfast is ready in the dining room" then he quickly left. I went to the dining room to see Garte talking to a lady. She had long, black hair like mine. Garte turned around to see me "Ah! There's my future daughter-in-law. Come, take a seat, Aphmau" Ugh.. I hate it when he calls me 'Daughter-in-law'.. I took a seat next to the lady "So you're Aphmau... Your so beautiful! Your so perfect for Garroth (A/N ikr!??!.Opps.. umm... continue reading, don't mind me) I'm Zianna, Garroth's mother" she extended her hand to shake and I shook it "Nice to meet you Lady Zianna" "No, just call me Zianna :) you don't have to be so formal and besides you're going to be a part of the family! Now here, some have breakfast, specially made for you" she smiled and gave me a bowl of soup. I got a sip of it and it tastes great! "It's delicious!" I exclaimed "Thanks I made it" she made this?!?! Wow! "Really? Wow, your a great cook!" I exclaimed
"Thank you" I continue eating my soup "Goodmorning" a voice said behind me. I turned around to see Zane, this is the first time I heard him say something, last night he was so silent "Goodmorning" I greeted back with a smile and continued eating the YUMMY soup :3. (A/N This chap is going to be Aph talking about soup XD jk) Zane took a seat across me and stared at me.. I got creeped out, when he got his eyes off me, he ate his breakfast and stared at the door with a smirk. It's was like he was waiting for something..
Nah, nevermind that..

~Time skip brought to you by
My Little Horsies toy ;3~

I finished my breakfast and I was heading back to my room. I was walking on the long hallway and then I saw someone in the distance... it was Velvet! I ran up to her then she suddenly collapsed "Velvet!!" I shouted, I checked her pulse and she's still alive, thank Irene... "What happened?! I heard you shout and- V-Velvet!" I turned around to see Garroth. He carried Velvet to her room then Shany came running "Vel, Skyrie said-- What are you guys doing here? and--" Garroth cutted her off "Shany, go call the servants or the doctor! Just- quick!"

Shany's POV
I nodded and ran. I ran past Skyrie and he grabbed my hand "Wait! Why are you--" I cutted him off "Garroth told me to call the servants or the doctor" I tried to let go from his grip "Where is he?!" He asked "at Velvet's room" he let me go and ran.

Aphmau's POV
"What happened?!? Are you hurt?!" He asked "I'm fine but Velvet... I ran up to her and she suddenly collapsed! I checked her pulse and she's still alive" I explained. Then Skyrie came "What's... wrong?!..what... happened?..." he panted from between "Velvet, she collapsed on the floor! I don't know what's wrong"

~Time skip brought to you by
Jobless Man's knives~

Garroth's POV
She's isn't awake yet... Aphmau, Skyrie, Shany and I were so worried. The doctor doesn't knows her illness. I told father and mother about it. There was a knock on the door. I answered it, it was a guard "Garte said to summon you, your bride and her friend" I nodded and told Aphmau and Shany. We left Velvet with Skyrie. We went to the throne room, where father is.

Velvet's POV
I woke up and my vision was blurry... My head was aching.. I felt a presence next to me. I blinked my eyes a couple of times and saw Skyrie, asleep on my bedside. I was having trouble breathing; I'm only taking short breathes. My whole body was aching... I felt cold so I pulled up my blanket which caused to wake Skyrie up "V-Velvet! You're awake!! Thank Irene! Are you okay?! What happened to you?!" He asked "Why are you here?... and why is my whole body aching... W-What happened?.. *coughs*" I started coughing; my throat hurt... "Aphmau told me you were in the hallway and you suddenly collapsed.." I tried remembering but it's making my headache worser.. "I can't remember what happened *coughs*" my throat really hurts... I sat up on my bed which made my feet hurt since it got numb.. "here have a glass of water..." Skyrie handed me a glass of water and I drank it "W-Where are *cough* the others?.." I asked "Garte summoned them... I don't know.. they should have came back now.." I can't stop coughing "Are you okay?..."
"Oh no..." I coughed out blood, my started to hurt and I was barely breathing "Stay here! I'll call for help" he then left.

Okay... that's enough writing... man... I'm tired.. Anyways.. Sorry for da delay. I got busy with... stuff.. and I was going to publish a Christmas Special on December 25 but... again.. busy, stuff n delay.

Hope yah guys like this chap! I was sick when I was writing this. That's also another reason why my OC is sick in da story but why?... Why did Velvet got sick so suddenly?.. Was it on purpose? What's wrong with her?... Find out on da next chap ;3

Remember to READ.VOTE and COMMENT cuz that would mean a lot to meh :3 U guyz r awesome! U should feel awesome! Yeah I know I'm following Sky's lines but yeah! BABYE~!


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