Other characters (Girls)

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Bahja Rodriguez

☤ 17

☤ wild, blunt

☤ Reason why you got arrested?

"For putting a bitch in her place "

☤Bio: Bahja has always been a wild child. She has no filter and says whatever she wants, which gets her in alot of trouble because most people don't liked to be told they look like a pig or have front teeth like timmy turner from family odd parents. When Bahja got to high school it seemed like her rude opinions got worse. She was jumped by a couple of girls behind the school and swore to get revenge on them, so the next day she showed up at all there houses with a gun killing them one by one while filming the whole thing.


Breauna Womack

☤ 16


☤ Reason why you got arrested?

"She was in my way, so I got her taken care of."

☤Bio: Breauna was raised in a family business of drug dealing and prostitution. Her father is the most wanted drug dealer in the south for his notorious deals and his mysterious disappearances. Bre was raised by her mother and never learned how to deal with her problems. A daughter of another dealer said something about her father, and she got a hit man to kill her in her sleep.


Zonnique Pullins

☤ 17

☤ Talkative, Weird

☤ Reason why you got arrested?

"I just wanted to play.."

☤Bio:Zonnique was the apple who fell on the wrong side of the tree. She's not crazy .. just not normal. One day Zonnique's friends wanted to play hide and seek but you didn't find Zonnique's friends. All you found was Zonnqiue and a bloody pipe. When on trial the judge asked Zonnique why she did. All Zonnique said was she wasn't afraid to do it again. Will CCF be able to handle her?


India Westbrooks

☤ 17

☤ Provactive

☤ Reason why you got arrested?

"It was just one picture..."

☤Bio:India was perfect child. She was raised on the better side of town, had great friends, was rich,and always kept her grades up. Once India went to high school, she got more attention from boys and met the reason she's in here. Her boyfriend took her everywhere and treated her like a princess, until he got drunk one night. He took her to a party and convinced her to make a sex tape with him. In less than 48 hours, his friends had it posted on every porn site and india was brought in for child pornography.


☤ Arianna

☤ 16

☤ gullible

☤ Reason why you got arrested?

" They told me to do it..... They were my friends "

☤ Bio: Being in a family of geniuses Arianna just wants to be accepted and loved so she hangs with the populars who say the love her but really just want to use her for there dirty work. Last august Arianna and her friends were getting tired of school they wanted to blow it up so they wouldn't have to go anymore.. They told Arianna to throw a bomb at the school and if she got caught they would take the blame. Sounds like a good deal right? Well when Arianna went to throw the bomb her friends snitched on her. Arianna hates them and wants revenge... "If I ever get out of here I'm coming for them"


☤Marissa Shaw

☤ 17

☤ Gullible, Lover.

☤ Reason why you got arrested?

"I made a mistake! i love him so much!"

☤Bio: Marissa was a hopeless romantic, Any guy that told her those three words could get her.One of the guy's who said this was Princeton . He told her he loved her to get close to her and she soon started to take the blame for every bad thing Princeton did,but one day when he wanted what he wanted and she wouldn't give it up. He raped her then soon took off. Now she's locked up for the crimes he committed and more. How will she react to seeing him again?


☤ Jayda Williams

☤ 16

☤ Psycho

☤ Reason why you got arrested?

"I didn't even flinch."

☤Bio: Jayda was always the type to need to be in a relationship to feel good about herself, and once she thought she found true love, she was excited and wouldn't leave her boyfriend out of her sight. She grew suspicious after a few months of seeing him and looked through his phone one day while at his house to find text messages of a conversation with him and another girl. Jayda's anger caused her to stab her boyfriend 62 times before burying him in his backyard. She was caught by her deceased boyfriends neighbor and was brought to the facility.


☤ Asha Turner

☤ 12

☤ Innocent, Funny ( Also the youngest in the CCF)

☤ Reason why you got arrested?



Asha was always the funny girl, the class clown. She was the one even the bigger kids wanted to hang around. Her mother went out and got high one night doing alot of bad things. And when doing so she was forced to blame Asha. Now here she is in jail for something she didnt do just to save her mothers rep.She only hangs around roc when allowed.

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