Chapter 1: Meeting Him

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Hey guys this is my first Inuyasha fanfic so have some mercy on me. I'll be posting a picture in this story of Masaru just have patience.

Masaru's POV
It was a nice summer day in the forest. Until-
"Damn you just die already!" I screamed as I cut with my katanas through a demon's stomach. Once I managed to kill the demon I continued on my journey. I continued walking when I heard-

"Sit boy!" By the sound of it it was a girls voice. Then the smell of human and demon filled the air.

My ears perked up and I was on alert. I heard people getting closer. I jumped onto a tree branch. Then I saw them.

A girl with strange clothes, a female demon slayer, a monk, a half dog demon, and a cat demon.

I jumped down from the branch I was on and went straight to kill the humans and the cat demon. Just as my katanas were about to make contact the half dog demon got in my way.

"Who the hell are you!?" Asked the half dog demon he seemed mad for some reason.

"I can ask you the same thing. Why is a half demon traveling with some pathetic humans?" I was curious I have never encountered demons traveling with humans.

" I don't see how that's any of your business." The hanyou said.

"In the end they will betray you so why keep them around?" Painful memories flashed through my head. My eyes began to water but I held back so I wouldn't show weakness.

The hanyou's eyes widened slightly. The
humans, and cat demon, stood behind the half dog demon  seemingly confused.

"If you choose to keep protecting them then I have no choice but to kill you all!" I yelled at him while charging at him. Humans are evil beings maybe even worse than demons.

"Like hell you will! I'm tired of talking. Get ready to die!" He screamed. He then charged at me.

I dodged his first attack by jumping backwards. I charged at him ready to cut his pretty head off. But he dodged. Sadly.

"Wind Scar!" He screamed. Then three yellow streaks of energy came at me. I managed to dodge two of the three but the third one hit me and I went flying back I hit the ground fast and hard. It was difficult to stand.

I couldn't get up I was defenseless on the ground. He suddenly came charging towards me ready to finish me off. I laid there waiting for the impact. But the pain never came instead I heard-

"Sit boy!" The girl with strange clothes screamed. Just as she said that the hanyou's face planted into the ground with a loud 'thud' making a body shaped crater.

"What was that for?!" The hanyou yelled as he started getting up from his crater in the ground.

I started getting up but I winced as pain erupted from my side. I didn't notice until now that my wound from earlier had reopened. I was loosing a lot of blood that attack of his was really strong. His attack made my wound deeper than it already was. This was really stressing.

'First I have to kill some stupid demon that wouldn't die. Then I realize I forgot my stuff I at Koga's den. Now my stupid wound is deeper than before. Also I don't even know these people there are stupid humans here and a disgusting cat demon. They could kill me any second now. Ugh this day can't get any worse!' I thought as I held my side and started to stand.

When I was finally on my feet I fell back on my knees dizzy from blood loss. For some strange reason the girl with strange clothes ran over to me.

"Are you ok?" She asked as she was about to help me up.

"Get away from me!" I yelled pushing her away.

I pushed the pain aside and got to my feet after the girl went back to her group that was only a couple feet away from me. They were just standing there watching me. I looked over my shoulder to them to see the hanyou still holding out his sword protectively...

'But he's not in a stance or even holding his sword right to protect himself. He's protecting the humans and the cat demon. But...why? Humans are horrible creatures. They betray and hurt. I don't understand his reasons.' I thought while still looking over my shoulder.

I looked forward again and starter walking away. I walked about two feet away when I stopped. My vision starts becoming blurry and I found myself falling into unconsciousness. Before I completely passed out I hit the ground when I fell back.

"Ow..." I trailed off as I completely blacked out from blood loss.

Inuyasha's POV

We turned back to leave when we heard...

'Thud' "Ow..." When we looked back the girl was on the floor unconscious.

"Hey Inuyasha do you mind carrying her back to Kaede's village?" Kagome asked.

"Like hell I would carry the girl who just tried to kill us!" I yell at her. Is she crazy?!

~30 minutes of arguing later~

"Fine!" I yelled.

I picked her up bridal style and leapt off to Kaede's village. Kagome, Sango, and Shippo rode on Kirara while me and Miroku ran.

'You know this girl... She's...'

What is Inuyasha thinking?
What will happen with Masaru?
Find out next time.





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