Chapter 8: Day 2 in Kagome's time

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Masaru's POV
I slowly opened my eyes when my vision cleared I was staring at a ceiling. Then I remembered being in Kagome's time. I sat up in the pink fluffy bed and stretched my arms. I looked around and saw Kagome sleeping on the other side of the bed. I wanted to explore and see Kagome's time.

I got off the bed and left the room quietly. I was about to walk down stairs when I noticed a scent a lot like Kagome's in a next to me.

It smelled like peaches and watermelons. I peeked my head in the room and found a little boy. He reminded me so much of Haru. I almost cried. I ran to the little boy playing video games and hugged him, hard.

"Hey who are you let go!" He yelled.

"I'm Masaru!" I introduced.

He stopped struggling against my grasp.

"Are you from the feudal era?" He asked.

"Fue-dal e-ra?" I pronounced.

"I'm taking that as a yes." He stated.

Just then Kagome barged into the room alerted and worried.

"What wrong?!" She worriedly exclaimed.

When she saw me hugging the little boy she sweat dropped and relaxed.

"Oh so you've met Sota." She said.

"Yup!" I exclaimed.

"M-M-Masaru?" He choked.

"Yeah?" I looked down at him.

"Y-Y-Your ch-choking m-me." He choked out.

"Sorry." I said.

"St-still d-d-doing I-it." He choked out again.

I quickly let go and as soon as I did he gasped for breath.

"I'm gonna be late for school!" Yelled Kagome her brown eyes wide.

She ran into her room and a couple of minutes later she came running out of the room wearing her white and green uniform. Then she ran down stairs she yelled "bye" then I heard the door close.

"Sota?" I asked.

"Hm?" He said to confirm he was listening.

"What's school?" I asked tilting my head sideways.

"School is a place where you go an learn stuff." He informed.

"Oh." I said.

Later we went down stairs to eat breakfasts we are these delicious things called pancakes. With this sweet yummy stuff of top called syrup. After that Sota taught me how to play video games and we played for a while.

"I'm gonna go get Kagome." I said getting up and leaving the room.

I walked down stairs and almost out the door. But then Kagome's mom stopped me.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"To go get Kagome." I said then walked out the door.

I tracked down Kagome's scent all the way to a big place probably school. I walked in and went all over until I found the room where her scent was coming from the strongest.

I walked in and found a bunch of people staring at me.

"Who are you?" Asked the guy in the front of the room.

"Kagome i came to get you. Cause I have nothing to do at home I'm board." I said completely ignoring the guy in the front.

"Masaru what are you doing here?!" She exclaimed angrily.

"Woah are those puppy ears on her head!" Exclaimed on the girls in the room pointing to my doggy ears.

My ears twitched slightly but no one seemed to notice.

"Kagome can we go now?" I whined.

"No!" She exclaimed.

"Mrs.Higurashi who is this unexpected visitor?" Asked the guy in the front.

"She my um cousin." Kagome informed.

"I'm not your cousin." I said bluntly.

She sent me a glare and then I noticed that the other people in the room were staring at me intensively.

Then one the girls got up and walked over to me she then looked at me in the eye.

"Your eyes aren't normal they're... Purple." She said confused.

"What that's not possible." Said a bunch of people.

Then more people started crowding around me and observing my eyes and me. Then one of them touched my ears and its twitched.

"Their real!" Screamed the girl who touched my ears.

Then more and more people started touching my ears. I was really staring to get annoyed.

Kagome's POV
I just sat in my seat and watched as the kids from my class just went over to Masaru and touched her ears and looked at her.

'She might be even worst than Inuyasha when is comes to this sort of thing. Coming to my school to get me. Geez it's like they share a brain.' I thought.

"Hey Kagome." Said Masaru through clenched teeth.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I don't like it when some strange humans just come over and touch my ears." She said louder this time.

I quickly realized that she was getting mad. I mean she doesn't know any of them and humans still killed her parents. Plus she never let any of us touch her ears except Shippo.

'She could seriously hurt some one I have to act fast!" I thought.

Then I ran over to the crowd of people and grabbed Masaru I dragged her out of the group and walked out of the classroom and out of the school.

"Why did you come here!" I yelled.

"Because I was board at home." She stated calmly.

"I was at school you can't just come and get me because you were board!" I yelled.

"Sorry." She said sadly.

"Hey how come your so soft game people yell at you?" I asked.

"I'm not soft!" She exclaimed.

"Ok then why do you get like that?" I asked again.

"Because when I was little I might have been a little bit of trouble and my mom would yell at me. She would get mad and when ever she got mad so did my dad I hated it when my dad got mad. It mad me sad and it mad me feel bad. So when people yell at me I get... Let call it... Sorrowful." She explained.

"Sorry I didn't know." I apologized.

"It's fine." She said.

We walked back back to my house once we were inside I walked to my room with Masaru trailing behind me.

"Tomorrow we're going to get you some clothes." I stated.

"I like what I have." She said while laying down on my bed.

"But if you wear that I can't take you anywhere." I explained.

"Fine! But I'm choosing what I'll wear." She said.

"Fine by me." I stated.

After some time it started getting late and Masaru fell asleep then I soon fell asleep too.

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