Chapter 30: The End

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Inuyasha's POV

We all sat around Masaru I could see Makatza crying on Gin with his pack behind him, Kagome crying on Koga who was whimpering slightly with his pack with their heads down. Akio was hugging Izumi and Haru while they cried. Sango hugged Miroku and Kirara, Shippo was crying his eyes out on Kagome.

I felt an overwhelming heaviness in my chest that I couldn't explain. I couldn't speak, I couldn't think, I couldn't move, all I could do was look at Masaru.

The castle had collapsed and around us it began to disintegrate and we were left in an open field.

I felt it hard to breathe, and my eyes became watery. I felt tears roll down my cheeks and my bangs created a shadow over my eyes. I felt more and more tears fall.

Thirty minutes have passed but it felt like hours. Everyone had shed or is shedding tears by now.

I looked up for a moment I looked at her face. I saw her eyes slowly start to open, revealing her amazing purple eyes.

My eyes widened as her eyes made contact with mine.

Masaru's POV

I started to slowly regain my conscious. I could hear the crying around me. I started to slowly open my eyes, everything was blurry. As soon as my vision focused I found myself looking at these amazing golden eyes and I knew exactly who they belong to.

"What's everyone crying about, did someone die?" I asked casually.

I saw everyone freeze for a moment then look at me.

"Masaru!" They all yelled.

"I hear you I hear you no need to pop my eardrums." I complained.

Everyone's faces lit up and they all hugged me. I slowly sat u to see Inuyasha facing away from me.

I stood and walked in front of him then kneeled in front of him. He was looking at the ground, bangs covering his eyes, and tears rushing down his face.

"I didn't know the great Inuyasha cried." I teased.

"I'm not crying." He sniffed.

"Okay sure." I said.

I got up and he got up after me. After hugs were distributed all around we turned to look at Kagome.

Without a word to be said she entered the Jewel. We all waited and waited and time was passing but she hasn't returned. We all started to worry.

"I'm going in after her." Before anyone could say anything Koga followed Kagome into the Jewel.

"Great." I sighed.

A little while passed when Koga came back but Kagome was no where to be found.

"Where is she?" Sango asked.

"I believe she's back in her world." Miroku informed.

We all knew she was gone, we didn't know when she would return, but at least she was safe in her world.

Koga and I said our goodbyes and he took his pack back to the den.

Makatza decided she would keep traveling with Gin but she would visit every now and then.

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