Just Some News

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Hey guys I and yes this book is officially over I'm not making a sequel but i did just recently start writing a new book its a Naruto fan fiction and i would really appreciate it if you Naruto lovers would go show some love on my other book you can find it on my profile if not its called 

Chiruka the Ten Tails (Naruto fanfic) 

i did only start writing it a few days ago and I've only published one chapter so far but I'm currently working on the second one ad it should be coming out by tomorrow or the day after 

I'm going to do my best to publish as much as possible in a short amount of time its just that with that book I'm really focusing on detail and introductions and secrecy and maybe suspense and all even though I'm a pretty bad writer 

anyways you guys if you like naruto please go check out my book i would really appreciate it and even if you haven't seen naruto start watching or if you simply dont like the anime then please just at least read my book and leave some criticism or something 

but i would really appreciate the support 

Also i'm thinking about making some fanfiction based on some anime you guys would like to read fanfic about just message me through watt pad and if i haven't seen the anime i will watch it and write a fanfic about because anything for my lovely fans 

Also guys if you dont already i would also appreciate fro you guys to follow me its easier to see how many people I'm writing for that way 

well thats all i have to say thank you for listening if you read this far 

i love you guys and i'll see you at my naruto fanfic 


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