Chapter 6: Flashbacks, Introductions, and more

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Masaru's POV

It had only been a few minutes since we came across Makatza. When I realized there was someone missing.

"Wait Makatza where's Akio?" I asked.

"Oh I was looking for him I lots him a few hours ago." She stated worried.

Sniff sniff.

I caught the scent of wolf and apricot. It wasn't far it was only a few feet away.

"I found you!" I screamed. The group turned to look at me confused.

I ran forward tackling a male wolf demon to the ground.

"Who are you get off of me?!" Yelled the wolf demon.

"Masaru what's going on who is this?" Asked Sango.

"This my friends is Akio." I introduced.

"Who?" Asked Kagome.

"More flashbacks." I sighed.

"Wait that scent." Stated the wolf demon as it sniffed the air.

"Masaru is that really you?" Asked the wolf demon.

"The one and only dog breath." I smirked.

I was recently sitting on his back holding him down.

"Oh your gonna get it now bird brain." Teased Akio.

He rolled us over so now he was on top of my holding me down.

I struggled under his grasped when I rolled over. We eventually started wrestling. We were wrestling all over the place.

Inuyasha's POV

I watched Masaru and the wolf demon who's named is Akio wrestle playfully.

"Does anybody have any idea what's going on?" Asked Kagome.

"Hi I'm Makatza Uchiga. I'm Masaru's younger cousin. Akio is my younger brother." Explained Makatza.

"Hey Makatza what are you exactly?" Asked Miroku.

"I'm a half cat demon." She stated.

"Then how-" Started Kagome when Maktza cut her off.

"It's a long story jut wait at least and hour until they finish wrestling." Sighed Makatza.

"They wrestle for a whole hour? That's pretty stupid." I said.

~30 minutes later~

Masaru's POV

We finished wrestling and we're now walking back to the group.

"I won!" I exclaimed once we got to the group who were now sitting around a campfire.

"No you didn't I did!" Akio yelled.

"No I did!" I screamed back.

"Yes is did!" Akio exclaimed.

"No you di-" I was cut off.

"Shut up already!" Yelled Inuyasha.

Akio and I laughed for no reason then sat down with the rest of the group.

"Makatza you said you would tell us the story once they got back." Stated Sango.

"What story?" I asked tilting my head to the right.

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